Parents of the HS Class of 2024

D24 taking:

AP Chem
AP Physics
H Biotechnology
H Social Seminar (meant to approximate 1st yr college social science seminar)
H English 12
Multivariable Calc
Linear Algebra
(finished H Spanish 4 this year)

D24 is pursuing the IB diploma at her school. Her classes next year:
IB Math Appl & Int HL 2
IB English Lit HL 2
IB History World Topics HL 2
IB Biology SL
IB Spanish SL 2
IB Theory of Knowledge (1st Sem)
Ceramics (2nd Sem)
Leadership 3


S24 Is taking 5 courses for 12th grade. He may sign up for one more outside school but that depends on how the college application is going.
AP Stat
AP Physics C
AP French
English 12

We haven’t put down our request yet but he has mentioned:

AP lit
Ap Micro
Personal finance (required)
Physical Education(required)
Dual enrollment anatomy (already took honors)
Ap stats (not doing calc did precalc this year)

He is allowed 8 classes for the year (4x4) so this is what we have so far.

He already has credits for:
Ap lang
Ap euro history
Ap us history
Ap human geography
Ap bio
Ap psych
Ap govt

I think that is all.

This week is junior college night so hopefully that will push him into getting excited about this process. We are supposed to go visit colleges over spring break but so far he only has two colleges on his list. Lol

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Mine is planning

AP Spanish
AP Lit
AP World History
Calc 2/3 DE
AP Physics C
AP Chem

She took a lighter schedule this year, so it’s tougher next year.

This. Having made the mistake of bringing DD21 to visit very reach-y schools that she fell in love with (and that we probably could not have afforded even if she had been accepted to them) first, it was very difficult for her to then find any likelies that were just as “perfect” in her mind. Luckily, she got a great scholarship from one of those last minute “just-hit-submit” apps with no supplemental essays, and is very happy there. Despite her being much further away from home than we had planned on, I think it is exactly where she belongs.

So, for DD24, I have begun our college visits with safeties/likelies. And she wonders, “Why are we going there? How come none of my friends have heard of it?” I like to think she will thank me in the end


I agree 100% and had a similar experience with D21 and now D24. We only visited reaches with D21, luckily she was accepted to one of her reaches REA. We are focussing on only visiting matches and safeties with D24, they’ve been great visits so far (we learned a lot about what she’s looking for even at colleges that turned out to be a no) and she can see herself really happy at two of them, in fact, might apply early to one. However, if she decides to apply RD to all, she can add in reaches if she wants and then visit if she gets in. This is a very different approach this time around.


Wondering about the impact of test-optional on T20-50/100 schools and how it is raising the range of ACT/SAT scores reported and how admissions at these schools are messaging that to current prospects. For instance, we were at USC and the admissions person heading up the info session said they have no cut-off scores because they are still test-optional and that because of that only the tippy top scorers are submitting their scores which is then artificially skewing scores upwards. Anyone else hear that from admissions officers or counselors? What do you make of it and how will it inform you in your student’s application process?

D24 is an IB candidate. Her school stipulates that once you enter the IB program as a junior, your class schedule for the remainder of your high school career (unless you drop the program) remains the same. So, next year it will continue to be:

HL Visual Arts
HL Chemistry
HL English Literature
SL Maths AA
SL Spanish
SL Psychology

She is currently finishing up her Extended Essay. Given her PSAT, she will be National Merit Commended. Currently, in art she has earned three Gold Keys. She wants to set the school record of eleven
which is possible, but ambitious.

We also have our application list. D24 is STEM-y, but does not want to graduate with debt. We have a budget and have opted to look at universities that offer the best fit and education in certain geographic areas:

Georgia Tech
NC State
Colorado School of Mines
Oregon State
Iowa State


Hi Everyone. I used this forum for my own children who had the “right”resumĂ© (all AP classes, high SAT lots of EC’s etc).

But now I need help with my nephew who is a very different student. Hoping some folks on here can provide some insight.

He’s a super nice young man who wants to study business. He goes to a very good public high school in northern NJ (very competitive) but only has taken CP and Honors classes, no AP classes. He doesn’t have much by way of EC’s. He has a 3.6 gpa. Hasn’t taken his SAT.

I think he would like to stay within a 3 hour drive from home (northern NJ just outside Manhattan, for reference).

My sister has been sick and hospitalized for almost 2 months so I’m trying to help my brother in law with the college process as my sister will not be available for many months to participate in this for her only child.

I’m wondering about state schools in NJ
and smallish private schools in PA?

This is totally outside my wheelhouse with respect to looking for schools for him. Again, super nice young man. But with no EC’s and a generic academic profile, I don’t even know where to start.

Would appreciate any help you all could provide. Thanks in advance!

Elizabethtown College and Lebanon Valley College in PA are good for actuarial science, which is essentially risk management, but involves study of math and statistics. Career prospects for graduates of this discipline are considered to be good.

If he is interested in business, he may want to consider applying to the following summer business program, which is not that expensive.

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So many well-respected, affordable choices - from large universities like Rutgers and Montclair, to smaller colleges like Ramapo, TCNJ, William Paterson, just to name a few.

And that’s just on his side of the river.


And Stevens. Worth checking out IMO, if it’s affordable.


These are great places to start, thank you all! Is he at a huge disadvantage anywhere because of his lack of EC’s? I can’t think of any activity he does
.my sister has a brain injury so I’m not sure if she will remember anything extra right now

Money is not an issue. They can fund a private education fully but I would like to offer options

I live in that area, please feel free to PM me, if he is interested in a small school he could look into Muhlenberg in PA. His GPA if mostly college prep and Honors classes is certainly sufficient. How about the SUNY system? Many kids from our Northern NJ school go to Binghamton and other schools int eh system are certainly within his reach especially if he has a decent SAT or ACT score


At a recent college visit (the school has been TO for 30 years), they essentially said not to submit unless you were close to/at the 50% – i.e. only submit if it will add, not detract, from your application. S24 hasn’t taken the SAT yet but planning on using that strategy for the most part.


Would the dad give you permission to speak with your nephew for an hour, to get a more complete/thorough understanding of his pursuits - as well as his own thoughts of what he currently thinks he might seek in a college (such as size, location,


Oh for sure! I speak with my nephew a lot and enjoy his company. I know he doesn’t play any sports but perhaps he’s involved in some kind of club that I am unaware of. I plan to talk with him later this week to get a sense of his day after school.

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And remember that “extracurricular” activities don’t always have to be structured in-school or after-school clubs. Colleges also value evening/weekend jobs, volunteering, or acting as care-giver to a family member during certain times.


Personal hobbies also count as ECs - it doesn’t have to be a club or sport. Also, does he have a job of any kind - that is an EC as well.