Parents of the HS Class of 2024

My S24 ha sbeen in contact with one of the recruitor at Texas A&M’s Bush School of Govnt and Public Service. He was very interested in their International relation/diplomat offering. However, he just found out there might be conflict if he is going to take classes for Pre Med at the same time. Also there could be restrictions applied.
Furthermore, their Honor program is undergoing changes, so it might not be available for class of 2024. Double bummer!

Now he is looking at UT Austin, and possible other schools that have similar (or better) International Relation/diplomatic major. Many schools have Poli Sci with International relation track, but most do not have the reputation or connections with UN or DC.

The search continues… maybe look at OOS schools like UMass Amherst or Miami U of Ohio.

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My daughter is an IB diploma student, so not a lot of choice in her schedule for next year. She will have:
HL English
HL Physics
HL History
HL Math AI
SL Spanish

She is in SL Chinese this year for her language, so SL Spanish is her group 6 course.

We think she’s going for just engineering now. She wanted animation, but I think we’ve found good alternates for that part and she’ll focus on engineering somewhere. I’m not 100% sure she’ll finish in engineering, so we’ll pick colleges with other choices as well.

She should be commended for National Merit. My son was NMF, so it’s a different list for her. She wants to go as cheaply as possible. List right now includes Michigan State, Western Michigan, Alabama, Purdue, U of Cincinnati. Alabama is mostly because she will get great scholarships and her brother is there. But she’d rather have more winter. But, she also really would like her own room in a dorm, so it stays on now. She wants to continue both Chinese and Spanish as well. She has a lot of wants, so I am sure some will drop off.


You should look at Iowa State.

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Thanks. We will. It was on my son’s list, but as we narrowed things down, he decided it wasn’t enough different than Michigan State and was a lot further. I’ll add it to her list though. They had pretty good merit, I think.

Look at U of Utah. They have a CS degree with electronic Arts (Pixar and Adobe founders went to Utah), plus they have good merit and they can get instate tuition after the first year.


Was the Feb ACT her 1st time?

It doesn’t hurt to take it again.

My DS2022 got a 34 the first time, because he screwed up the Science section timing. He knew he could score higher on the Science section, so he took the ACT again, and superscored 36.

Yes. Feb ACT was her first time. She had to rush through the math at the end and only got a 33 on that section but still got a 35 composite rounded up.

She probably needs a solid 35+ to get into the schools she’s looking at. 36 is unrealistic - her math and science wont be strong enough but 35.25 is possible.

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As of now, Utah is too far for her. She’d like to be within a days drive, just in case we need to get to her quickly.

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My DS still hasn’t received his ACT from February despite many friends already receiving scores. Very frustrating.

It’s hard waiting. Hang in there.

DS2022 1st ACT in October 2020 took almost 6.5weeks to get his results.

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For those who have kids applying to the UCs this fall, UCI recently released a podcast, “Insights into College Admissions.” It is an interview with Dale Leaman, UCI Executive Director of Undergraduate Admissions


Headed to ABQ a week from today to go on a tour of Univ of New Mexico. Got our hotel booked, campus tour reserved, and housing tour booked as well!


So S had a rough few weeks with summer music programs and a million wait lists but then this weekend got into two programs! I was going to start making alternative plans with a college class over the summer to learn something new but now it looks like he will actually be able to do what he really wants! YIPPPEEE!!!


that’s awesome! YAHOO!

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That’s so great!

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Any students taking the ACT this week with their schools?

My S24 is. He is already nervous and keep logging into Khan Academy to refresh his math.

Mine is taking the SAT this Saturday (not with her school). The date snuck up on her and she has been so busy that she doesn’t feel like she’s studied enough. We’ll see how it goes …

This morning!

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No, but he’s taking SAT on Saturday for the first time. He did terrible on PSAT so we will see what happens. He is taking ACT in April. He got a 28 the first time and he is hoping to get a 32 this time.