Parents of the HS Class of 2024

it was out.

D24ā€™s SAT results are still pending. The message says it may be up to a week before she knows. Very annoying :confounded:. Hoping that sheā€™s in the 8pm EST batch tonight and that results are good enough that she can be DONE.


Hope you hear soon! My sonā€™s were pending until about 3pm today.

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D24 just got her score and she is happy with it :grin:. She is DONE :tada:. This was her second time taking it and without much prep she scored 80 points higher so was definitely worth giving it a second try.


Awesome! My son is done now, too. Heā€™s v happy with his score and should be in good shape for any school he wants to apply to. A relief.


D24 scored lower on the 3/11 SAT compared to her October score. Probably not going to pursue more SAT testing nor are we going to invest a lot of $$ in test prep courses when itā€™s really not going to bring a 1200 to a 1500+. :slight_smile: Thereā€™s plenty of places which are in the realm of affordable + sheā€™ll get admitted, so once D24 takes the ACT again in April, sheā€™s probably done with standardized testing for college admissions.


Today we toured a school and met with a coach. On our way home we talked about the journey and highs and lows. Today was a highā€¦until it wasnā€™t. S24 did well on PSAT and had high hopes he would do as well on the SAT and that didnā€™t happen. He has decided to take a prep course and will try one more time. We are happy he is willing to try again with help.


IMO almost everyone should take it a second time. Even without changing the strategy in between, chances are at least one section will go up and result in a higher super score. I he hasnā€™t prepped before, they will likely both go up.


My S is going to do this in June, figured there is no harm and since his first test was before junior year the extra year of math and AP Lang certainly could help. He will review for the week before and even if he just gets a few points it would be great and if he gets nothing he submits his first score.


S24 didnā€™t do as well on the SAT as he hoped. A good score by most standards but about 50 points less than he wanted. Will probably retake in August. He does really well on all sections but the grammar. Definitely needs more prep than he put in (minimal). Was his first time.

We are in the same boat including April ACT. He did score higher than his PSAT but only barely and itā€™s not great. And this was with 1:1 weekly tutoring sessions. He will spend the next few weeks getting ready for ACT and we will have to accept whatever those scores are and let him be done. These tests are def not his thing.

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The grammar is tough because is 10pts for each mistake! Working through the two Meltzer books really helped my son.

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I havenā€™t heard of those. Could you share the title? He only got 1 wrong on the reading section but quite a few on the grammar. Math was pretty good (770) but even there he made a few careless errors. Seems a matter of timing. Was rushing at the end of the grammar section and made a lot of errors there. The little practice he did was all online (though timed) and I think that gave him a false sense of timing. Definitely takes him longer on paper.


If you want to pm me we have a great tutor who worked with my S virtually for maybe 2 sessions and got him to an almost perfect grammar section. The rules seem to be very straightforward but you have to know what they are and how college board wants you to apply them.


Fifth Edition, The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar

He just took his time doing a couple of chapters each week, alternating with a section of the reading book every third week.

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One to consider for the HS Class of 2024: UNH to launch new Honors College starting with fall 2024 incoming class

They are investing a lot in this as they shift from an honors program to an honors college. They are reimagining the scope, redoing a dorm, and have done a great job listening to current honors students and alum.


Looking for recommendations for a good and reliable SAT tutor to increase points significantly. D24 went in without much prep and did not do well. However test taking in general has been challenging for him and does not align with the GPA that he maintains at school. Now hopes are pinned on August.

That would be great. How do you PM here? I havenā€™t been able to figure that out.

I donā€™t know what you consider significant in terms of points but if tutoring and a re-take doesnā€™t result in the score you want, there is always TO. S22 went TO after a mediocre SAT (didā€™t want to spend time prepping) and got into plenty of schools. Iā€™m only having S24 re-take (and prep sufficiently this time) because he is looking at some super selective schools and given his background (UMC, affluent suburban HS in NE) I think he really needs a score (current score is good - just not good enough). Best of luck!!

I just sent you a pm, press on the green notification next to your avatar. When you click on someoneā€™s name there is an option to message