Parents of the HS Class of 2024

I think the main take homes here are: 1. Being full pay or close to it is a huge advantage. 2. ED strategy after you have run the NPC multiple times for a college that matches your kid’s profile gives you a huge advantage.


Maybe for some schools, but I dont agree that full pay helps with any T20.


As noted yesterday, move the 529 discussions to the financial aid forum. Posts deleted.


Deleted off topic

I agree but some schools like JHU and Northwestern sure seem to get a lot of full pay kids!

My friend and neighbor was lobbying for more FA at Northwestern and was told “we knew she was full pay when we accepted her”. What you can pay is definitely part of the equation at most schools.


Shocking I tell ya! I had no idea private schools, even the most elite ones, are run like businesses. Lol.

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D24 has her final college counselor meeting of the academic year this week. She has to have her college application list prepared in anticipation of that meeting. So, after much angst, we have a list (which has absolutely no crossover with any school that S22 applied to…of course):

Colorado Mines
Colorado State
NC State
Oregon State
Tennessee (in state option)

D24 leans towards engineering. She has a 34 on the ACT, an unweighted GPA of 3.95 (which varies of course depending on the University), is an IB candidate, and will be National Merit Commended. I am not concerned about admission at these schools. I am positive that many will meet our financial requirements. The question will be whether any show her the “love”. Best to all.


I hope she comes to NC State! Class rank will be important but I can’t see her getting denied, even as an OOS applicant.

I am not sure her school ranks. If it does, I know she is not top 10%. She made B’s in Honors Physics and Honors Spanish last year.

Good list.

Mines offered high stats DS2022 only $14K/yr merit (0 financial aid).
They may give your DD more $ as incentive, to help w/ the M/F ratio imbalance.


I have read this year’s thread. That, and the increase in direct cost concerns me. We may have been priced out of Mines.

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Great that your D24 has list of school finalized. The list she has for the stats she has seems to be very reasonable. Good luck to her.

If she wants to go into engineering, why not take a couple of stabs at schools where M/F ratios need help? I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Clarkson (70% male) and another option is Harvey Mudd that strives for a 50-50 ratio. So, females get a far better shot. Top school too. Clarkson is very generous with aid. My son was offered close to $45K bringing COA ~$30K.


We would never be able to afford Harvey Mudd. I would have to look into Clarkson. In our experience, we have preferred large state schools because of the opportunities they offer.

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Fair enough!
Schools in TX offer OOS waivers and might be worth a look. Tech and A&M would be good shots. Same with Florida publics. COA will be quite reasonable with OOS. I’d say around $20K.

University of Utah is another one that might check all the boxes. Did you rule it out for any reason? They offer residency after the first year if you stay in Utah for the summer.

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We toured A&M. Too big, and honestly the engineering facilities have a bit of a funk when you get the unwashed young engineers in there after a day in the hot, Texas sun (remember, the average male undergraduate engineer does not necessarily believe in a daily shower). Additionally, A&M wants 25,000 undergraduate engineers by 2025. 25,000! That is as big as some of the schools we are looking at. Plus, ETAM. Tech is in Lubbock, so no.

Look at the fine print on the scholarship requirements for Utah. I championed Utah for some time, but ultimately, no. The requirements to keep the scholarship are too high (3.5 or 3.75 GPA, it is insane), plus Mormons. DD is gay, and family has history with Mormons (generally, nice people, though).

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Ah, you are looking at the Presidential scholarship also. That does ask for a 3.5 to be maintained, agree it’s a high bar. For WUE it’s only a 3.0, but most of the other academic ones are 3.5. For you other comments, is that regarding the University, SLC or Utah in general?