Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Wow too bad. This is unacceptable especially at a private school where the kid to counselor ratios should be ok. At our large public school the ratio is 1 Counselor to 400 kids and they seem better organized. I hope you can speak to someone at school and get a better counselor.

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One of my D’s friends, her brother didnt do much in the application process, seemed unmotivated about college visits , everything was an afterthought.

Once he got into school however, he found his people, did really well and has a great summer internship.

Even if kids arent excited about the college selection process doesnt mean they wont be excited about college. Im sure your son will get into a fine school and once he gets in and finds his people, he’ll start to excel.


Oh, I would be SO MAD!


I absolutely LOVE this. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: I might have to steal this idea, too.

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We used to do these trips back when kids were young. Each summer we went to a different Continent/Country and we had excellent time with them (have 2 boys).

Then Covid came, and we had to cancel our Europe trip and nothing happened after that as both are in HS now. One is a Senior who wants to work and earn money and other kid a junior, is not interested in going anywhere.

Enjoy time with kids when they are in Middle school.

We definitely do family trips and try to include things that are just for the kid. But we’ve never taken a trip where the entire impetus fornthe trip is to do something for the kid and not at all related to academics/school.

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All the best to the kids taking the AP exams starting Next week.

School ends on June 9th for us and from now until the end they either have AP’s or final projects or final exams every week. This will be lesson in planning and how to set priorities for my Son. I asked him this week does he know when each AP exam is so he says know I will later. I told him time is now there is no later. So asking him to come up with a schedule based on when each test is.

Also realized that not all classes are doing a mock AP test in class. Its a mixed bag. So having S24 do a mock test home when they are not doing at school so he knows what to expect.

On the College list we have a preliminary list with about 30 or so colleges and now the plan is to cut to 15ish by August. A big discussion last week as to whether we should do ED or not. We are not yet sure. He is showing preference for urban/Big city colleges like Boston, New York, LA and San Diego, Seattle and so on.


Update for my D24
Psychology final is today, then two AP tests next week, with AP Lang the week after that. School does a block system, so she probably hasn’t looked at anything from AP Lang for 4 months.
Question, if a priority is required, are you valuing an A in the class or a passing AP test higher? I am leaning towards the A to keep all the doors open, AP tests are just ‘maybe’ money and time saved later. Thoughts?
I have a list of about 20 colleges, all CA publics and WUE for D24. She has almost zero interest so far, which is unfortunate but fine. She wants to go, but doesn’t care where yet. First and foremost is going to be picking a major. It was psychology 3 months ago, Industrial design 2 months ago, Art 1 month ago, and K9 search and rescue last week. Needless to say, ease of changing majors is going to be requirement 1a or 1b when it comes time to pick a school :grinning:


Yes, this is what I’ve heard.


A in the A-G class matters more than the AP test score. As I understand it, AP test score may be considered as an additive or “validating” data point of the grade in the class by some UC campuses for admissions.

Edited to add emphasis on A-G class as non A-G classes do not show up in the UC/CSU GPA.


We took our last real family trip when our oldest was 9. It was amazing. After that, athletics and activities took off and that was the end of family fun travel.

It’s been great to save the money, but I’m glad we got that one last family trip memory when they were still young enough to take time away without significantly missing out.

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A in class over a 5 on exam, but expect a pass. S24 won’t earn the +1 GPA AP credit and the course title on his transcript will not have the AP designation if he doesn’t earn at least a 3.

S24 has one AP next week and two the following week. I am a bit concerned about the one next week as this is the teacher’s first time teaching an AP. Son feels he knows the material. I hope he isn’t being over-confident.


100% an A in the class over a higher AP score. I think GPA is more important in current environment that AP scores and only few colleges acknowledge looking at them whereas almost everyone looks at GPA. You also have the option of not submitting the AP score.


Have not heard of transcript not having AP if you don’t pass the test with a 3 before. Is your school by any chance using AP exam as a final?

Good luck on the AP exams.

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The exam is not the course final but taking it is required to pass the course. The school pays for the exam. I believe the policy was instituted after several students deliberately failed their AP exams.

Deliberately failed means the students turned in blank exams.


Ok got it it makes sense especially if school is paying for the exam. we pay for our own exam and we have a final in addition to the AP exam.

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Definitely agree with A in class over 5 on an AP test here since the schools dont see the AP scores unless you want to send them.
This has been quite the week here and can’t wait for AP tests to be over, had the HS musical this week so S24 has been in rehearsals or productions until 11pm and then the AP tests next week. Haven’t done any college discussions or paperwork for several weeks and the goal is to have a good chunk done before he goes to his device free music program for 6 weeks in late June.
Today’s nonsense update is the math teacher that was going to write his recommendation told the class today she is retiring. So now we have to follow up with the guidance counselor to see if she is still eligible to write it and then with her to see if she will!


Has he taken a practice test? That can help calm nerves. My DS’s teacher had the kids take one yesterday for one of his APs and that helped him feel better about it.

If the school has a requirement like that, they must be confident that the teacher can teach all of the material in the course that is likely to be on the exam.

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I wish things are just simplier like back when I was applying to college - no internet, no reddit, no test optional for 99% of schools, no need to create a non profit.

I looked at my grades, my SAT score, checked off an application and I was off to the University of Texas.


Yes, that would be dreamy. I still remember typing my applications and stressing about making a mistake and needing to white it out :joy:. And that feeling of dropping it into the mailbox

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