Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Welcome to the group!

What’s her current cumulative GPA and what schools are on her list right now?

Her weighted GPA is 4.03 (not sure what her unweighted GPA is). She had a C in Geometry freshman year, but As in Algebra 2 sophomore year and Trig in junior year. She has Pitt, U Of SC, UGA, William and Mary, Clemson on her list so far. We are in PA.


FYI in case anybody is interested - the latest “Your College Bound Kid” podcast episode briefly mentioned, which has a lot of really great college data, where you can compare statistics and a bunch of info for different colleges you select and then you can look at it altogether. Includes data about some politically hot topics, as well, which can be deciding factors for some applicants.


My D24 is in the same situation, she had only 7 days in person school her entire freshman year, remote pretty much the whole year, and she thrives in community and rises to the challenge around her, which was non-existent that year. Went from 3.6 in 9th, to 3.8 in 10th to 3.9 in 11th (school only does unweighted). It’s hard to recover from the low-ish freshman year GPA but we hope the upward trend is seen favorably.


Welcome to the group!! My son was also remote all freshman year. I think many were affected by Covid this way. His GPA was lower that year. It was hard to engage online. I think there is still a question on the Common App to add Covid effects. Friends who have older kids said colleges they applied to took this into account.

Since Covid my son’s school has also had teacher shortages. He had 3 online classes this year because they couldn’t find an in person teacher. Chemistry online was rough. We are going to encourage him to add this information as well. This year with more maturity than freshman year he did better but still wasn’t ideal in those remote classes.


Thanks!! Love that podcast and need to catch up and listen to the latest.

Welcome to the thread. An upward trend is a positive. There are many colleges which look at only 10th and 11th grades and you can probably add more of those if your daughter likes them.

With our S24 we are having the opposite effect that for junior year his GPA went down. He took more AP’s and honors course so if you look at weighted GPA he is ok but if they only look at unweighted then his GPA dropped. So this is a consideration for us when looking at schools.

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Anyone’s child waiting on SAT scores tomorrow?


Yes! The waiting is no fun. D24 didn’t study between March sitting and June sitting so she’s not expecting an increase but I know she’ll still be disappointed if she didn’t manage to bring her score up. Good luck to your child!

waiting on ACT, I think we are about 5 days away from that release


I’ll admit to answering questions before the tour guide when we visited The University of Texas. It’s like Jeopardy where I buzz in a second before (but shouldnt have been buzzing in at all).

Question: What’s that building?
Me: Dobie dorm.
Tour Guide: Dobie dorm
Me: That’s where Michael Dell lived when he started Dell computers.
Tour Guide: Where’s the alumni police???

Last final tomorrow and sat should come out right before he goes in. Not expecting much on the sat and he needs a d to keep his current grade in the class so both are likely to be anticlimactic,:joy::joy:


Waiting on SAT also. I think he will get his score next month

Why do you say that? When did he take it?

Earlier this month 6/3- I thought the scores come in July. Is that right or am I mixing up with AP?

I think you’re mixing it up with the AP. The scores from the June 3 test come out tomorrow for most people. (My older son took the early June test last year, and did not get his results until July. But this year college board says they will get them earlier – tomorrow!)


Yes, I am thinking of AP. Oh my goodness I didn’t realize they were coming so soon! Will be interesting! First time he has taken it - we will see!

You are right… sort of… the last two years at least June SAT came out in July. TOOK FOREVER.

This year it’s apparently coming tomorrow, 13 days after, like all SATs.

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If this is his first time you should sign up for Aug. it’s almost always good to take it twice since it’s likely that at least one section will go up. Even if the total goes down, it’s a higher super score.

I am hearing a lot of areas are already full for August, but he doesn’t want to be worrying about the SAT while writing applications in the fall.


Thanks for this! He is considering taking a 2nd time depending on how it goes.

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