Parents of the HS Class of 2024

If you can point me in that direction, I’m happy to move it.

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Click on the CC icon at top left to go to the main menu. Select “new thread” and pick “Chance me/match me” as the category.

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Thanks. I guess I was more so looking for suggestions on schools to add. I’m new here, didn’t realize there was a better place.

This spot is fine but you’ll probably get a wider range of feedback by post it in the other section because not everyone reads the “HS class of 2024” thread.


Your D24 sounds so much like mine, personality & stats! But mine is more animation/ STEM oriented as opposed to humanities, and she has different location/ weather preferences.

Some schools that may fit some (not all) of your criteria:
Pomona (or other Claremont colleges?), Santa Clara University, Loyola Marymount, Chapman, Rice, Colorado College

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If you’ll share the link here once you start your own thread, that’d be great! You can probably just copy and paste the post you wrote on here as it already has great info. The only things you might want to add are:

  • her approximate class rank (even if the school doesn’t rank, do you think she’s top 10%, 25%, 50%, bottom 50%?)
  • Have you run the Net Price Calculators at all the schools to see if the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) will be affordable? And will the amount of financial need you have be such that it might influence a college’s decision? For instance, at need-aware schools that say they meet full need, they might accept a student whose EFC is $50k but not accept one who’s EFC is $10k.

Thanks - I thought of Pomona but I think the weather would qualify as too hot - believe it or not. I’ll look at it again, as well as the others.

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Here is the link:
(Help putting finding targets and safeties)

I am going to edit it with her rank. We don’t rank here, but she’s top 5%.

I’ve been running NPCs, though thankfully we qualify for a ton of aid, both merit and need-based. She is aware that anything else will be loans, but it shouldn’t be much. Though I didn’t think about thinking of them in terms of need-aware like you suggested.


well hell that didn’t work right.

hold please

Worked for me!

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Great to see more members who were lurking joining. Welcome to @speak2me @M_Fun to the thread.

It is getting real with all the college stuff now that Junior year is over. Son has started on his initial draft for the common app and 2 of the Personal insight questions for the UC application. I expect he will have multiple drafts and wont be done any time soon but its good to see him get started.

He has also researched some colleges and so far from the original list which has about 30ish colleges he has picked all private and east coast colleges. I have asked him to look at some UC’s and Public schools outside. He said why look at UC’s I will apply there any was (we are in CA) so will only look at out of state publics for now. He really wants to go east coast with a preference for private colleges so we will see where he ends up. I have talked to some friends who have been through this and many of them said though they start with east coast they may change their mind and stay closer.

Hope the kids that have finals this week are doing well.


Her Stats and rigor are fantastic. If she is your “toughest nut” I dont think you should worry!

As we swing into the middle of the summer, D24 has started thinking about/drafting her common app essay. I expect she’ll cycle through multiple topics to find the best inspiration. She’s going to apply as a Psych major, and she’s won local writing contests, so I have no doubt she’ll produce something good enough to satisfy her, eventually! She has no intention of applying to T20s, so although the process is stressful, we are in a more normal zone of existence than those shooting for the stratosphere. I just hope she doesn’t have too many extracurriculars this Fall. :smile:


So nice she is motivated. It will be painful trying to get S24 to write. He hates writing and is not a skilled writer :grimacing:

Edit: Moving to the right thread

Please note: @M_Fun has moved her discussion to this thread:

D24 is also working on her common app essay and intends ti major in Psychology. I think sh is doing the prompt on gratitude. It may show a different side talking about why you are thankful and how that impacted you than the subtle humblebrag that manybof the prompts seem to call for.


Today was the last day of school here in suburban NYC and the NYC kids still have a few more days. So funny to hear people say that it is the middle of the summer! S24 off to summer program tomorrow and then it all really gets real! His end of year grades and SAT superscore were great so now it is all up to him!


I laughed at the middle of summer comment too. Here in Seattle suburbs, D24’s last day is tomorrow FINALLY. The Seattle kids still have a few days next week. We leave on a 2 week trip Sunday where she can relax after a hectic but successful year. Was hoping that all she’d have this summer is practice for her Fall sport but at the last minute she got an internship. She is thrilled but I am concerned about her making the time for college essays. She won’t have much time come Fall with her sport.


Trevor Packer has been posting on Twitter what the AP score distributions are for various subjects. Hasn’t posted for all exams yet. I’m waiting with bated breath to find out D24’s AP exam scores early next month!