Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Supreme Court rules race cannot be a factor in college admissions. Not sure practically how that will play out

Please note that conversation about race and admission is only allowed on one thread on CC:

Thank you!


Your link didn’t work for me.

If you aren’t a member of the political forum and would like to join, please follow these instructions: Politics forum - College Confidential Forums

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Thanks. I’ve seen reference to the Politics Forum, but never knew where to find it.


Hi All,

Looking for Research programs/projects in Business Economics (online/In person) for High School Students in the current Summer or Fall 2023.
Please let me know if anyone registered.

Lots of activity on Trevor Packer’s Twitter page in the last few days. D24 is very excited about this, talking a lot w/her friends about the info. here’s a link to it–>

Sharing totals of the subjects that D24 took AP exams for:
AP French:

  • 5 - 12%
  • 4 - 25%
  • 3 - 37%
  • 2 - 20%
  • 1 - 6%
    so 74% of the students who took the AP French exam passed it. D24 said that she thought this test was pretty challenging.

AP Music Theory:

  • 5 - 20%
  • 4 - 17%
  • 3 - 24%
  • 2 - 24%
  • 1 - 15%
    So 61% of the AP MT kids passed that test. D24 said this exam was also tough.


  • 5 - 11%
  • 4 - 15%
  • 3 - 22%
  • 2 - 23%
  • 1 - 29%
    48% of students who took the APUSH exam passed it. D24 thought this exam wasn’t too bad. So she’s hopeful, but nervous.

AP English Lit:

  • 5 - 15%
  • 4 - 28%
  • 3 - 34%
  • 2 - 14%
  • 1 - 9%
    77% of students who took this exam passed it. D24 is pretty sure she passed it.

Doesn’t look like anything’s posted yet for AP Calc AB percentages.

I thought this tweet was interesting:

This was interesting, too:


Love this idea!! And gratitude makes the writer happier so that is an added plus!

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D24 also thought the AP Music Theory exam was hard. He did enjoy the class.

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FWIW - I too had run into the same wall/question a few weeks ago. That should tell the CC-techies that these “how to” instructions belong directly ON a “Not a forum member” page that comes up when someone clicks such a link, instead of requiring an individual reply every time, in every other forum, where such a link is posted!

These links shouldn’t just dead-end in a “404” Page, titled “Page Not Found”. Basic webmaster-101 courtesy!


He posted Calc AB stats:

5: 22%; 4: 16%; 3: 20%; 2: 22%; 1: 20%

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Interesting data on the AP results. July 5th will be here before long. I am more eager to look into scores than S24. He will be in his summer research program by then and he may not look unless other kids talk about it there and they are all looking into it.

If I remember correctly your school final grade can change based on AP score correct. Good luck !!


Out of curiosity, how important are AP scores to admission? (Not worrying about getting credit right now) C24 has decentish grades (3.7uw) and excellent test scores (36 AP composite), but I’m pretty sure most of their AP scores so far have been 3s. I haven’t really paid any attention to their AP test scores or really pushed them to prep and I’m belatedly wondering if that was a mistake.

This is a good question and one I am interested in the answer to, also. One thing I have heard is that if someone has As for AP classes but gets low scores on the tests, that is a sign of grade inflation. Would an AO take that into account? I don’t know, but I could see it factoring in if the AO is not familiar with the school the student is applying from.

AP scores aren’t required to be submitted as part of the common app, they aren’t ever required to be submitted unless a student wants to get college credit or higher placement credit at college.

I’d submit the ACT score and transcript and not submit AP scores until after admission season is over if it will give credit/placement.


Submitting AP scores is optional so if there is huge difference between grade and AP score I would not submit. Ex: A grade in class but a AP score of 3 or 2. You can also only send the scores that you want. There is an option to suppress some scores and sending others.
The CDS many colleges publish have GPA and SAT/ACT scores but not much data on AP so its hard to tell if they look and if so how important they are.

I have read that some of the UC’s are looking at AP scores after they went test blind to use it another factor but this is something I have read only from online forums and some youtube video’s so not sure if this 100% correct.

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S24 will be interested to see how he did on the AP exams - he thinks he passed everything, but he is hoping for all 4s & 5s and would definitely be disappointed if that isn’t the case. I think if kids are getting "A"s in AP courses but can’t pass the exam it doesn’t say a lot about the rigor of the class.

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UCB specifically states under Freshman selection, they consider AP exam scores.

UCLA use to state they considered AP exam scores in their admission review but no longer shows the statement on their website.


It doesn’t? To me it says it failed to prepare the kid well.

He should submit all 4s and 5s IMO

Maybe I should have said -“it doesn’t say a lot about the level of preparation”. If APs are well taught, kids who put in the classwork should be able to pass the exams.

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