Parents of the HS Class of 2024

I’m in CT and we were scheduled to get our results tomorrow, but they’ve been available since this morning.

interesting! I just logged in to college board and it says tomorrow.

CT is today, per the CB schedule: Getting Scores PSAT/NMSQT – SAT Suite of Assessments | College Board

Same we don’t get it until tomorrow in CA also.

CB emailed and told us 12/7. Right now not sure if D24 will check since she’s not allowed to access screen time due to a soccer game concussion. Concussion recovery protocol is no joke. Trying to convince D24 she only has one brain and it’s ok to delay a test or an assignment. So far teachers are amazing and counselor is the biggest protector of her.


Sorry to hear about dealing with concussion @MommaLue. Its better to be careful with them and wait until she is fully recovered. Glad the school has been supportive.


There’s been some good natured ribbing.

We don’t get full results til tomorrow but were able to see the overall score and section scores on Khan Academy (if you linked your CB account).

So it looks like we will have a summer of prep, 1170, not terrible but certainly not a test taking genius in this house! The hard part is that he had no insight into how he did after the test, ha! I think he will try a practice ACT this spring before we decide on how to prep.

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1180 here (630 EBRW/550 Math). Not disappointed with those scores, but there’s definitely room for improvement.

Also thinking of a practice ACT thanks to all of the info upthread. Will see which seems to be better suited for her and then figure out a prep strategy from there.


DS24 got 1360 (670 EBRW and 690 Math). He was not happy with the Math part of it. He had 6 wrong and out of which 3 of them were easier questions and all bunched together so he thinks he read the question wrong or made a one wrong calculation and all the questions are related. In EBRW he was 36 Reading and 31 writing out of 38 so he needs to work on this area.

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Love this part about having a sibling :). I and brother did this all the time growing up.

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1220 here (620/600). It’s not bad given the minimal amount of prep that went in.

DS24 started prepping SAT English after PSAT with a tutor. It seems like having a friend who scored 1560 SAT on the first try motivated him to start early.

He started his first SAT practice test with a similar score and breakdown for reading/writing as PSAT score. It started to climb and he is up to 720 in the last practice test for English.

I’m less worried about Math since I know what he is able to… he just needs lots of practice later.

That great to see that English score going up. How did you go about finding one? we have considered one but son has been hesitant. He thinks he can do it himself.

There are a ton of local places in our high achieving suburb but I believe that there are also many places that do it online. Ask on your town facebook page and you will get at least 10000 responses.

My plan was to have S try Khan academy this spring and move onto formal tutoring this summer. Our town is heavy into SAT over ACT so not sure how it will work if he prefers the ACT

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I found an online tutor at It’s $$$.

DS24’s friend who scored 1560 as a sophomore attended summer SAT prep locally, a 4-6 week intensive program.

We are still debating if that’s what we want to do this summer. I’m hoping to get the SAT/ACT done by fall in junior year but it’s a lot of time and money commitment.

I’m sure this is the reason why UC went test blind.

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Thanks. Did not think of asking on FB. Will look into it if I he agrees to a Tutor.

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Thanks Never heard of before last week. I saw some one else posted this another thread. Looks like the website is good.

I think friends do motivate them more than parents sometimes and great that he has a friend who has done so well as Sophomore.

@RadM If you are in the SF bay area, then there are many places that are planning to open for a summer program. Drop me a DM, I can send you some info.

I think it all depends on your kid’s personality. My senior niece didn’t have any tutor or summer program. Since she is the type of person who will plan and get things done early, she just needed some prep books from Amazon. She ended up doing well in the ACT.

My DS24 needs pressure to get things done. If I get him prep books, they will be sitting on his bookshelf collecting dust. A tutoring or summer program would force him to do things.

He is now old enough that he needs that… so he is asking for them and I’m trying to provide what he is asking for.

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