Parents of the HS Class of 2024

My D’s are not showing. It says contact the couselor but we haven’t heard anything about scores from the school. My D did not get any paperwork on test day.

Thanks. Same here - I’m thinking maybe they will receive paper copies at school soon?

I tried the matching tool on the CB website and it didn’t find her. Her school is horrific with communication.

It also depends on your kid.

DS24 always struggled with ELA especially writing/grammar. Since it’s not just learning to take tests or strategies, I knew it was going to take a while to bring him up to speed.

Using the motivation he got from his friend’s score, I’m helping him with SAT tutor.

We are not doing math prep yet since I know he just needs intensive 2-3 months of practice. The fundamental is there but he needs practice and strategy.

The question is when to take the first test. Ideally, you take the test around Sept/Oct in junior year and get the target score. so that you can focus on schoolwork with less stress.

I see so many seniors so stressed out with SAT/school/EC/essay… I think parents can help to reduce stress by helping to schedule things earlier.

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S is not amused by the volume of emails he is now getting from colleges, UNSUBSCRIBE! ha!

If there are some he likes, click on them because I’m not sure which ones track demonstrated interests.

CB should thank the kids. They make about 17 cents per name that they sell to colleges.

Oh, the emails!

I create an email account at gmail just for college apps, and my kid and I share access. We also agree on one password for college stuff that has all of the various requirements, and we use that password for all of the sites. That way we both can easily check stuff and make sure nothing is getting dropped.

^I know this probably seems weird or overbearing to some, but I swear I do it more as their administrative assistant.


@Thorsmom66 our plan also is summer prep. Son feels he can do it himself and not a fan of tutoring in general . At this point only doing some research since we just got the PSAT results. He is actually upset with the math score even though he is 98th % for sophomore as he is advanced at math. He is in pre-cal honors this year and is so far breezing through and regrets not taking AP Cal this year.

oh I am not sure if my son is even checking these. I will have to ask him if he is getting too many and how we can solve this issue.

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I think this is a good idea and may do the same. Once we create an account do we just change in college board account?

Yeah, I switch it before the PSAT and SAT in the Fall. Before that almost everything goes through her school email.

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my older one did this, created a specific gmail that was hisnamecollege rather than his regular one. I should have had my younger one do this for the psat, didnt know this would be so fast since he didnt take psat in 10

If you think they are getting a lot now, just wait. My senior gets about 30 emails a day from colleges – from all ends of the spectrum (JHU to some regional schools no one has heard of).

I’ve been watching this thread for a while and thought I might as well pipe up.

My S24 doesn’t take his 10th grade PSAT until April. (Private school in NY). I’m glad because it allows him to learn more math. We are starting to fill out forms for the College Board so we can request appropriate accommodations (S has a handwriting related LD). I’m praying the process goes smoothly.

We will definitely get S an SAT tutor, but our plan is to wait until after the April PSAT test. If the PSAT scores are really low or the College Board denies our accommodations request, we will try the ACT.

I stressed a lot over my D20’s ACT score pre-Covid. But now, my main goal for S24 is that he gets approved for accommodations.

@AlwaysMoving Not overbearing but a smart way to make sure deadlines don’t get missed. My older kids had one email that they used for College Board/ACT (ex. JohnSmith @ gmail) and another that they only used for applications (ex. John.Smith @ gmail). It made it easier to separate important emails from the barrage that comes from CB/ACT junior and senior year.

@helpingthekid73 You can change the email that you have on your College Board account at any time. Definitely don’t use your personal email, your student’s personal email or his/her school account. Since colleges are likely purchasing lists based on the PSAT scores, I would suggest creating a new email address and changing your CB account as soon as possible.

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Done! Thanks!

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Thanks @lkg4answers will also do the same.


My D24’s counselor said they are getting the paper reports at school tomorrow. This is in North Carolina.

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I checked with the counselor and apparently it cones from school. And she actually took the practice act, which made me feel better since she didn’t finish some questions.

How are the kids doing with Semesters coming to an end. DS24 has finals week this week. Last year they had finals in only half the classes due to the remote but this year all classes have them so hoping he will do well in them.

Hoping that we can close on Summer plans and courses he plans to take next year during the Holidays. We have to select the courses end of Jan/early Feb.