Parents of the HS Class of 2024

:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

Can’t hold it in…

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:


Crazy that a 99th%tile sat score is considered a disadvantage


Only for their image :rofl:


They are very clear that it is not a disadvantage to apply TO. They just don’t want the sub 1500 scores messing up their rankings. (Which we can all agree is insane, but NEU is a strange beast).

That is why they keep saying over and over again to apply TO and they won’t think less of you.


Friend of mine’s daughter has a 1480 SAT. She got into Northeastern honors college, CS major, got $20k annual scholarship, just started as a freshmen about two weeks ago.


Did she submit score?


My point is not to get her actual stats,
but that she may have been accepted despite her “lower” SAT due to hooks (or was accepted to non-Boston, which seems to have slightly lower bars).

Did she have any hooks?
Did she apply ED?
Did she start in Boston campus?

(I included son’s stats to show that we have some personal experience with NEU,
DS2022 - URM hook, high stats, was accepted EA to Boston, and did submit his ACT superscore 36).

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What was ACT score. Is there anywhere to see numbers admitted to each campus?

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S21 with performing arts hook accepted to NUIn with a 1460 that was submitted.


Thanks for the data point. The suggestion from NEU reps to not submit below 75th percentile seems to be more recent (reported for Fall 2023).


This is a nauseating trend. The average SATs go up and up and when the schools outwardly encourage not to send it seems crazy.


I believe that asking about a student who is not your own is against forum rules.

You might glance through the Northeastern threads to see if you can pick up a trend.


Sorry. I wasn’t aware.

I think it is a privacy issue.

Here is the exact wording:

2. Personal Information

Be mindful about what content you contribute. After a short grace period, posts are locked and you won’t be able to self-edit or delete them. Please post for yourself or on behalf of your children. Public posts about others (i.e. asking for a friend) are subject to review by staff and may be closed, especially any containing personal information. For more information, please see our privacy policy.

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DS2022 had superscore 36 ACT.

No, I don’t know if there are stats on NEU campus acceptances.

For our high school 2022 and 2023, It seems that unless a student applies ED to NEU, or has great hooks, the applicant is accepted to non-Boston campus.


I know a student who was accepted EA with no hooks, but he had very good stats and full pay. If I remember correctly he received good merit.

I do get the impression that it’s the strongest applicants that get into Boston.



I get the sense that is true; a fair number of kids from our HS who are accepted end up starting the first year abroad (it has actually gotten to be fairly popular). I will say, irrespective of where they start, about 50% of applicants from our school are accepted to NEU - that holds true for all the buckets (ED, EA, RD) - ED is a bit higher with around 60% acceptance. That makes me wonder if acceptance rate is calculated using just the Boston campus? A lot of kids from our HS (about 90 last year) apply to NEU and it seems strange that such a high number are accepted given their low overall acceptance rate.


Lots of kids from our HS also get accepted. I think they know many kids attend.

Same here. Usually around 20 kids go to NEU every year - I think that is the second most to UMass.