Parents of the HS Class of 2024

I just looked on Naviance for Northeastern stats for our school (middle of the pack public in NJ)…all over the map. An acceptance with stats as low as 1090 SAT/99.96 GPA and waitlist with stats as high as 1520/106.4 :person_shrugging:

25 applicants. 6 accepted (the highest SAT was 1460) 8 rejected, the rest waitlisted. I am unable to see if applicants were TO.

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Someone asked on another thread about any place one can find data about honor colleges. For anyone interested in that type of information I highly recommend “Inside Honors 2020-2021: Rating and Reviews of 40 Public Universities Honors Programs” by John Willingham. It is available on Amazon for $16.

I found it very helpful and informative for my daughters college searches.


My understanding is that Naviance only shows applicant data if the applicant took a standardized test, but does not reflect whether they applied TO or not. So it will include data on the scattergrams for applicants that did not submit test scores, and not show anything for those that didn’t take a test at all.


Thank you, I just edited my post, as after thinking about it, I came to that conclusion, too.

If you have a kid who wants to apply regular EA and is probably not a strong enough candidate to be accepted to the Boston campus, would you recommend that he applies for one of the majors that is offered at the alternate campuses? (That is, not have him apply to engineering, but rather to CS or Business, etc…)

I think you are talking about Northeastern still? The alternative start locations ( is fall semester abroad & … I can’t remember the name of the one that is the first two semesters away, last year it was one semester in Oakland and one semester in London)support most, maybe all, majors.

Those are two of the alternate entry programs. The only other alternate entry program this year looks like all years at Oakland, and there are fewer majors supported there. I noticed on the app that the three years in London option requires a separate application, which was not the case last year.

So, my point is, unless you want to do all years in Oakland, I think it is fine to apply for engineering. If by whatever strange calculus they use, Northeastern offers admission to your child, they could do a semester at one of the other locations, or the two semesters at alternate locations, and still be on track for an engineering degree. I know of many people last year, who were declared engineering majors, and offered one of the alternate programs.

My recommendation is to always pick schools based on your desired major/areas of interest rather than pick majors based on the school.


I have heard this is the case and yet another way they game the system. All applications count towards the total but only Boston counts for the acceptances.

Unsurprising. They NEU is big on yield protecting.


That would make sense to me. I’d expect our school’s acceptance rate to be higher than the average (we’re in MA, strong school district, high yield to NEU) but not THAT much higher (it was 56% last year, overall, and slightly higher for ED). By only counting Boston acceptances it really drives down the overall acceptance rate - if you are going to do that, they should strip out all the applications that got allocated to alternative locations.

It was fascinating to hear Selingo discuss NEU in his book. They made rising in rankings an institutional priority and how they games the system is well documented.



she doesn’t have any hooks. She applied EA. Yes, she started in Boston campus. According to her, several of her classmates who have better stats than her didn’t get in.

S24 got his first college admission.


Thank you! I was referring to Northeastern, and this makes sense.

@bonnieyd, are you comfortable sharing where?

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I’ve seen a few say their kids have started receiving acceptance letters. We do have one on the list that is rolling but I assumed it would still be October or November before we hear anything? As students are starting to get their acceptance I would love to know what colleges they are getting them from?

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Public university with rolling admissions in a neighboring state. Purposely didn’t post which one on this thread because a lot of the discussion the last day or 2 has been really focused on 2 universities in Boston and didn’t want to detract from that discussion.

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Our S24 got accepted from ASU (Arizona state University) It came through in 1 week after submitting. I have heard it take 2 weeks for some people.



Well, D24 has an interview scheduled with Mount Holyoke this afternoon, and she is sitting in the nurse’s office quite sick. She’s also now super anxious about what to do. I told her to email admissions and just be honest about the situation and ask to reschedule. Life happens to all of us. But she’s still down there fretting.