Parents of the HS Class of 2024

I could not find this in our school’s Naviance. It asked our HS Counsellor and she said our account does not show it but she can look it up if I give 2 or 3 schools we are considering for ED.

If you are looking at the scattergram, there is a legend below the graph that has different icons for different admit status – EA, ED, RD, accepted, waitlisted, denied, waitlisted then denied, waitlisted then accepted, etc. All of these legend icons are clickable. If you lick it, it unselects those data points. By clicking on a bunch you can fliter out everything you don’t need to see.


For those who don’t have time to listen to the podcast, the gist is that U of Chicago admits most of its class either from ED1, ED2 or the eventual RD waitlist, as opposed to just RD. With ED1 and 2 they have reasonable assurance of acceptance. This is common for colleges. But what they allegedly also do is very few actual RD acceptances. Instead they waitlist most of their RD prospects. Then they start going to the waitlist people within a couple days of the RD event (as opposed to waiting until May like most schools) and making offers contingent on acceptance (for example calling students and asking them if they would accept then only sending offers to those who say yes).

Bottom line is their yield rate is total fiction.

They were until recently one of the few top schools who refused to publish CDS data. They finally started, but only token data. They have declined to fill in most of the relevant categories like the number of people they waitlist, how many they take from the waitlist, how many the ED, etc.

To bad they don’t have an ethical math professor interested in doing a long blog about their practices…


They also market aggressively, really push ED2 on EA deferrals (which are most).

Anecdotally I had the view that the few RDs often get $$. I thought it so interesting that they touched on this and said appeals by non ED acceptances often result on awards.

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It depends on how their version of Naviance is configured. Some schools aren’t set up to show EA vs ED Vs RD in the scattergram.


Thanks, Yes our school does not show the EA , ED and RD we only see Accepted, denied and waitlisted

The aggressive marketing is really pretty despicable. My D24 gets weekly glossy mailings from them and I’m pretty sure she’d have no chance at being admitted (which is fine as she has no interest in applying).


We even got a T-shirt at one point.

She was a very competitive applicant but after many emails strongly suggesting she switch her EA deferral to ED2 (which she did not), she was rejected. We were aware of the game being played at that point and didn’t expect another outcome.


For all applying to UMD:
re: all components of application are due by 11/1:

sharing from Facebook post:
"If your child is applying to University of Maryland - College Park:
please know that the Early Action deadline of Nov 1 is a HARD deadline for ALL components of the application….and Nov 1 is not too far away.
UMD takes more than 90% of its freshman class from the COMPLETE EA applications and those are the only applications considered for scholarships and special programs.

Please do not wait until the end of October to submit. Make sure your child has already requested transcript(s) and recommendations and scores (if sending) to be sent….If not, put that at the top of the to-do list. Those items - and all items - must be in by Nov 1 or the application will be bumped to Regular Decision.

We wish your child much success with their application to UMD! (Caryn and I do not work for UMD, but we are both alumni and Terp parents, and have been admins of the UMD parent and prospective parent groups for many years)"


We get all the UChicago mailers too. When I pointed this out to my S24, he said this: "yea, they’re all “please apply, please apply” and then once you do, they look at your file and say “just another average motherf##er.”


CONGRATS to all these kids and families with early rolling acceptances!!!


UVA Campus Tour Questions
Does anyone remember green pins being mentioned? We saw kids with green pins on their backpacks that signified they were available to talk to any student who was struggling. Our tour guide talked about it but I can’t find anything about this on the UVA website.
Thanks to anyone who has any insight on information on this!

I don’t know if this is it specifically at UVA, but there is a “Green Dot program” that my S24 was selected to be trained for in his high school that is nationwide in colleges & high schools. It trains students, usually student leaders and athletes, people who are nominated by staff to be able to influence other students, to recognize & de-escalate potentially violent or out of control situations or individuals before something “bad” can happen, then contact the appropriate authority if necessary. For example: Bullying ; 2 kids are angry at each other and it looks like it may get physical; someone is angry with their romantic partner; someone has suicidal thoughts, that sort of thing.

Thank you!

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This is my second kid, but I just don’t remember this. If my daughter has 8 universities in her Common App list, but only has one application all ready to go and it doesn’t require the essay, can she submit it now? Then later, finish her essay, do supplemental questions for other colleges, and submit those? Or should she delete the other colleges that are in her list before submitting?

You submit each college one at a time, with whatever information you have loaded into the common app at that point. So, yes, she can submit for the school without her essay. Later she can load her essay, and then submit for each other college one at a time when she is ready for each of them.


Thanks! And she can leave the rest of the colleges in her Dashboard list too it sounds like.

She doesn’t have a counselor yet at school, so can only do so much right now. It’s very frustrating. But it looks like she can submit a couple of them anyway.

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My question is, can S24 send his SAT scores to the schools that require official scores now, even though he isn’t likely to have his application together until mid October? I know the scores can take a few weeks to go, and I’m afraid if he doesn’t do it soon, he will forget.

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We did that with S22. He had a great score in December but still had to take the April school day test (junior year). We sent the 4 free scores then to schools we knew he’d apply to in the fall. Months later. No issues and they all showed up.

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First preview day tomorrow. Anyone else starting preview visits or fall visits?