Parents of the HS Class of 2024

We plan to include in the the National Merit Commended. He does not have too many awards and school does not do awards in general. We are in CA and many of the CA universities are test blind so this may help is what I hear (no hard data on this).


Do you have any insights into job placements after graduation. I assume jobs will mainly be in the South/South East but are the job outcomes strong

Anyone applying to U Washington? You might find this article interesting, although it is about transfer admission and not freshmen:

Many of the companies that are at the career fair are in the south. But there is a decent amount from other places. My son got his internship on his own and itā€™s local to us in Michigan. We are fortunate to have a lot of engineering jobs near us, so he applied to mostly local to us.

@tsbna44 son just graduated and had offers in various locations.


My son wasnā€™t a big career fair guy. He talked to some but few. He did his search (95%) on indeed. This seems a common theme and there is no better career site for sourcing than Cornell - and while you hear this about a lot of schools, the Cornell placement stats support similar. No doubt people get jobs from job fairs and on campus recruiting but itā€™s more and more an internet world.

My son had internship opportunities in the Carolinas and upstate NY but worked for one company in both MS and then TN.

His job offers ranged from New England to the Midwest to the South - and heā€™s currently in Utah for six months and then headed to Glendale Arizona in January for six months. Heā€™s in a two year rotational. He had 5 offers by Xmas and then his intern company in March but he hustled. I do think you have to hustleā€¦it doesnā€™t just happenā€¦and thatā€™s likely anywhere.

He knows people who stayed in Tuscaloosa, went to Huntsville, Florida, California, Kansas City, Charlotte, Seattle - really - all over.

I donā€™t think anyone is bound by where they go to school - not anymore. Of his 20 or so interviews, only one company even brought him in for a final round (in Wisconsin). The rest were all over zoom, - the entire process - and these are big national Fortune 100 and 500 names - along with some Iā€™d never heard of.

So that wouldnā€™t be a concern - getting stuck in a specific place - no matter where you went to school.


NJ usually has the highest qualifying score in the country so schools understand commended in Nj likely would be SF in most states. Few (if any) have formal merit awards for commended but some like Fordham offer merit in general so it can help with that offer.

Noting that Fordham is a very expensive school so even with something like $30k a year in aid, it will still cost more than Rutgers would for you as in-state.


Yes. We know. Rutgers is not a fit for my S. We are willing to pay full price for the right school and will chase merit it that does not occur. He has several safeties that we are comfortable paying for with the right merit.

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Thanks , this is on our list will check it out.


We are getting Case Western daily between mailing and emails. We donā€™t have them listed as a college of interest on Scoir either. Just marketing I guess.


Checked out the article and the getuwmajor and it looks the rubric is for current UW or transfer students. They did not have the rubric for freshman admits. I wish they had that also.

It is still interesting to see how the rubrics are different for different majors.

Just received acceptance #2 three days after they finally processed her SAT scores that were sent two weeks ago. Sheā€™s received acceptances from the two state schools that donā€™t really do EA. As for the rest, I think sheā€™ll hear back on another one in a late October, based on prior years, and the rest have a set EA notification date in December. Should get all of them in before Christmas!

Then we will have to wait for scholarship weekends, in the spring. I donā€™t think we will have a real sense of where we are going until mid-March at the earliest.

Waiting is the worst.


That is incredible that she has so much done already! Congrats!

I agree on that long wait. S24 got his first acceptance last week. Should hear from a couple more with rolling notifications by mid-October. Then itā€™s a long wait for the rest (EA) with the latest being ā€œon or by February 1ā€. We are fully expecting some deferrals from EA to RD, which will push the wait time even longer. The current acceptance he has heā€™s excited about, but he is equally excited about a couple of the other schools that he wonā€™t hear from until much much later. So while getting everything submitted early, took the pressure off in terms of time constraints, he now feels like he hast to wait even longer to hear back from schools

And it gets worse when you realize you have to start paying housing deposits at schools you may not attend, but thereā€™s a non-zero chance, and the timing on the deposit matters a lot.


S24 has submitted zero, first EA should come in late november and then ED in mid december, unless he gets a very happy ED suprise I dont expect to make a decision until mid april

Yes we are in that boat now with the school he was accepted at. Housing is apparently a nightmare there so likely need to deposit without knowing h about other schools.

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No submissions here either. Weā€™ve got 1 ED and a couple of EA due by 11/1 and then the RD. In the unlikely event that ED works out, weā€™ll be done by Xmas but heā€™ll still need to have all his RD teeā€™d up in the much more likely case of an ED deferral or rejection. If he gets in ED weā€™ll save the application fees but he will still have had to write all the RD essays as Iā€™ve told him there wonā€™t be time to do them after he hears back from his ED school (much to his chagrin).


D24 has 12 possible apps. (2 reach, 7 targets, 3 safeties). She submitted rolling to Pitt (Target) and has 7 other EA ready to go, just waiting on the teacher Recs to be uploaded. Should hear from 4 or 5 by Christmas, then she will decide if she wants to ED2 and/ or send the other 3 RDs. It would be nice if all EA were required to reply by 12/30, but sadly thatā€™s not the case. Weā€™ve gotten a couple unexpected emails with promotional fee waiver codes so that was nice.


I wish colleges published data on stats of kids who are admitted EA versus those that are admitted RD. I am expecting S24 will receive several deferrals to RD and while at most of his schools, his GPA and test scores fall well within the range of the 50th to 75th percentile, I know that the initial EA ranges must be higher. I have seen some published data where the test scores and ranges of ā€œstudents attendingā€ is lower than ā€œstudents admittedā€ which is interesting.


Schools admit kids with higher credentials that end up going elsewhere. Would be surprising if it was the other way around.