Parents of the HS Class of 2024

@s318830 Yeah for booster appointment and that A in Chem! It’s an A to me. I don’t look at -/+ :). I think Walgreens and CVS is opened up for 12+ now. CVS was down last night. Prob for the update. My friends (pharmacists) said we could walk in to see if they have availability.

D24 got braces off today so it’s a win. The orthodontist gave her a care package—Bubble gum, starbursts, Snickers, popcorn. Hahaha. All the things they couldn’t eat for a while. Tomorrow she has her AP Chem final from last semester (concussion delayed things and this was the one thing she couldn’t get in before break).

We are masking up just in case. S21 hung out with friends at UC Davis yesterday. I’m like, “My guy, people are going into quiet time on campus and you show up!” He’s hung out with these kids during break, but still, I wished he hadn’t gone. It’ll be masking and testing for a few days.

BTW, if you guys are looking for at home tests, I have hurt bought iHealth kits from Amazon. I buy a kit every week so there’s a constant flow. Walmart had Binax for $14 but it’s up to almost $20 now so Amazon is a cheaper deal. Our school is giving each kid a kit to bring home today. The school also has a COVID test clinic that kids get line priority. I think we have 10 locations in the district for staff, family, and students.

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thanks for the tips on the covid test kit. Our school also is sending test kit home and has test clinic in the school where the kids and family can get tested but I heard big lines this week. We have one Binax kit at home but I will order a couple more and keep from amazon.

So I pressed the refresh button every time I had a minute today and got S24 a covid vaccine appointment today at a CVS and H got him in and out in 20 minutes with a minimal line. Otherwise appts here booking into late next week. So glad since we are waiting for a storm here in the NYC are and I do not want to drive tomorrow!


Way to go! Wishing no symptoms for your kiddo! Pop a gummy vitamin and drink lots of water!

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Thanks! last time he had fever to 103 for two days and rigors so I am not optimistic!!

My DD has an appointment tomorrow.


Yay on getting the braces off! Good luck on the AP Chem test. sorry to hear about the concussion!

And that makes sense about CVS. That makes more sense than that they had absolutely no appointments whatsoever in a 50-mile radius. Took DD24 for her shot today. The timing was perfect. I picked her up just as they were going on break and dropped her off just as the actual academics for the next period were starting (after break they have a 30 min study-hall-like period before third period starts.) So that one available appt turned out to be the best timing in the world!

Though now she’s really hoping she’s not sick tomorrow because I picked up a job subbing for one of her teachers and she loves having me as her sub. DS22 isn’t as enthralled, but he actually likes it (as long as I don’t admit to being his mom in public! LOL!)


That’s so cool that you could sub for her class! D24 always loved it when our friends subbed in her class. One year her rec swim coach subbed in grade school and she said it was great because she was the only one who could refer to him as coach.

I can’t remember if I said this yesterday but D24 told me that when COVID started, she was in middle school and next year she will be a senior. I had whiplash but she is right. Aug 2023 she will start senior year. I have been saying this out loud to people today. It helps me to accept that next year is college essay year. Haha.

S21 said that his friends at UC Santa Cruz is remote now til Feb. UCSD is remote til 1/31 and UC Davis is similar. Berkeley is still scheduled for 1/18 in person.

Yeah, I retired 3 years ago from the AF and I now teach part-time at our local CC. I had expected it to take longer to get on with the CC so I had put in to start subbing at our local schools (Fall 2019). I actually started at the CC before my first day of subbing. I pretty much only sub for teachers I know or for my kids’ teachers. It’s incredibly hard to find subs right now so I put out an email to my kids’ teachers letting them know that if I’m available, I’ll sub for them. I like being able to pick up jobs when I feel like it and ignore it when I don’t.

Yes, looking at Covid through the lense of our kids is sobering.

And yeah… a lot of the CA schools are staying online until the first week of Feb. My CC is online until then (I’m in CA). My classes don’t start until that first week, but we’re still prepared to go online if needed. Luckily I teach one in-person class and one online. So I’m already prepared to go online with the in-person class if necessary. And that’s how I taught during Covid anyway.


That’s awesome! I know sub teaching is earning some friends $$ now in our district due to shortage.

I think I would love to sub when I retire. Will look into how I can do that and, wait for it…I think I would sub and enjoy teaching chemistry class!

I love that you want to sub Chemistry! Unfortunately, subbing is mostly babysitting. Teachers can’t rely on their subs knowing the subject or how to teach, so the lesson plans they use are pretty much “keep working on what you did yesterday” or “watch this video”. My kids keep telling me what a great sub I am because I enjoy answering questions and know what I’m talking about. If you can get in with some teachers who get to know you and know what you can do, then they start trusting you with more than babysitting.

Our district is desperate enough to open up subbing to college students (rather than requiring them to already have the BA/BS.) It seems like a pretty great job for college students if their schedule lets them do it.

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That’s great that your are able to sub for the teachers/classes you are interested in. I would have loved to sub for a class my son is in but I am sure he would not be happy about it. He does not want me to come by to school events for some reason. Even if we go he wants to be left alone .

How is your school doing with omicron? My kids’ school started in person yesterday.
DS24 is still in quarantine until today but he is able to join the class via zoom.

We are starting to see the fallout. The first soccer game of the season was canceled because the other team had too many kids out with Covid. 3/7 DS’s teachers are out although 2 of them are teaching through zoom - showing symptoms so they took tests and teaching remotely.

I suspect it will be a very messy next few weeks… I hear there is not enough sub available for the teachers at the moment.

we have had minimal issues, there have been many kids out but minimal teachers. Kids have been able to zoom in if they are either sick or under quarantine. I am sure that there are positive kids and adults that are coming into the building but as of right now all seems well.

almost 24 hours out from the booster and a sore arm but none of the severe symptoms he had from the second shot! woohoo!!!


Our in person school started on Monday and it has been a bit crazy. Got notice yesterday that S24 was exposed to some one who tested positive in two classes. Many kids have this problem. 2 of his teacher are out due to Covid and they have Subs.

There is a lot of talk in the parents groups about requested remote for 2 to 3 weeks until things settle down but have not heard anything from school yet. I have mixed feelings about going back to remote.

Good to hear. S24 has appointment tomorrow. We will test for Covid at home tomorrow morning and if it is negative we will go for the appointment.

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Why test first? There is no recommendation to do so.

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If he tests positive, then you probably don’t want to add a booster on top of it.

Based on my experience, antigen tests are unreliable unless you have a clear symptom. We tested negative multiple times and only when we developed symptoms (mild fever and running nose) did the antigen test showed positive.

DS24 never tested positive using antigen test so it was a surprise for me to see the positive PCR test.

I do not believe that any medical society or the CDC is suggesting this. If he is asymptomatic there is no reason to delay the booster. The current recommendation is you can be boosted once symptoms resolve, so if no symptoms no need to test.

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