Parents of the HS Class of 2024

I think we are saying the same thing.

If an at-home antigen test is positive then you are likely showing symptoms. That’s my experience. In that case, you probably want to wait.

He came into contact with some one with Covid at school. he has no symptoms but just to be careful.

ok Good to know that we may not get positive with out symptoms.

Thanks for the info on what the CDC is suggesting. I had heard previously that if you had Covid recently we should wait for some time. So if that’s not needed then yes may be no need to test.

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My kids school has masks mandated (state req’t I believe), but a lot of the kids try to wear them under their chins or noses. As a sub, I spend a lot of time reminding kids to get their masks up. So now my intro after I say my name is to tell them I’m a retired AF officer and teach at the local CC. They tend to test me a little less after they hear that, but masks are still an issue.

They try to do tracking of COVID exposure, but they’re obviously swamped. I subbed on Dec 3rd, was notified on the 13th that someone in 4th period had been positive, but by the time I was told I was already out of the “zone”. At this point I have no faith in the ability of the school’s contact tracers to notify folks of exposure. I’m starting to feel like Omicron is inevitable and I’m just glad we’re all boosted now (DD24 got hers yesterday. Felt cruddy last night and a bit run down today, but otherwise had an easier time than her second shot.)

There are a lot of student absences right now and the school sent out an email begging parents not to send their kids to school if they test positive (!!!)

There is a definite sub shortage and kids who refuse to wear their masks properly (combined with the fact that the parents of those kids are most likely the ones to send their kids to school with COVID) don’t entice me to sub more.

Yes we also have Mask mandates but not sure 100% sure if all kids follow it properly. When I ask my son he says he wears it and most of the kids also do it. Some times when they play basket ball and stuff on 2 on 2 for example they lower the masks for a few minutes. I have told him not to play basket ball in the month of Jan until things stabilize.

Compliance seems to be variable by age.

The seniors are pretty compliant. They recognize that whether they agree with it or not, masks are required so they don’t expend much energy fighting it. Freshmen and sophomores on the other hand will either actively (or passive-aggressively) refuse to wear them properly. There’s definitely a maturity-factor in rate of compliance.

My town in general also has a high number of people who refuse to wear masks inside despite it now being mandatory again. So I have no doubt Omicron is running wild through the school right now.

Definitely not an expert but DH had COVID in August and I remember the doc saying that he had to wait a while to get a booster once boosters were approved. I don’t know if it’s changed but your doc would know.

D24 has pix of 5-8 kids missing in each class. Three of her pals have COVID. One has a sister with COVID so they are keeping her at home. District had COVID testing centers available. They encouraged us to test the kids before returning to campus on Tuesday. I had my kids take a rapid test at home because I will jump at any chance to get tested. :joy: The tested negative so D24 had been going to school. All masked up and she said kids are pretty good about masking at school. They eat outside and had done this all year.

Chem teacher sent a mass email about grading when someone is absent and make up work process so I think tons of parents are emailing her to ask since their kids are likely sick at home.

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Limping toward the last week of UC credit honors chemistry next week. Glory be! Sometimes you gotta love the block schedule. Hopefully no Covid exposure before the final. :crossed_fingers:

THe recommendations have changed now that we know that boosters are the best protection from omicron.

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In one of the classes I taught today, there were 12 kids absent. I’m not sure what they’re doing about the kids who are missing school or have to quarantine. I actually miss last spring when the teachers were teaching online and in-person simultaneously. I know they don’t miss that, but with this many absences I don’t see another reasonable workaround. At least everything is in Canvas now, but just putting things up in Canvas still requires kids to self-teach, and many kids aren’t good at that.

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Good luck with chem honor and fingers crossed she stay healthy and away from covid.


our high school lets the kids on covid isolation zoom in, they are the only ones allowed.

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We are also seeing 10% to 15% absentees so far. S24 is also going to school after exposure we were informed per county guidelines if we are vaccinated and no symptoms they can attend school and get tested on day 5 after exposure. We are keeping a close eye to watch for any symptoms.

Omnicorn spread has been so fast that many schools and institutions have been caught by surprise.

We have also seen some teachers post info on how to procced if you are absent.

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I definitely think Omicron spread is inevitable. Everyone in my family was fully vaccinated and I was boosted a couple of weeks before the infection.

I feel it helped with severity in my case, but it’s hard to say definitively. but then I was sick the most, followed by D26, wife, and S24.

I think something like DS24 is what’s spreading Covid in school. Fully vaccinated, but infected without any symptoms.

The schools just sent an email announcing remote learning for next week. I really don’t like remote learning but given the circumstances, I think this is the best option.

I suspect this will go beyond 1 week, however.

D24 got her booster shot. I’m so grateful for the nice pharmacist at Costco. The pharmacy tech wasn’t nice. We showed up late because I underestimated how long D24’s chem final would take. Blessed because her teacher stayed so late on a Friday for this. Got there 20 min late and the tech almost turned us away but the pharmacist walked by and said the syringe was still there (I asked to make sure it wasn’t expired!). He allowed D24 to get the shot. Phew. D24 said that if she gets sick tomorrow she’s going to brave it and say she’s fine because she said she’s on a good COVID vax streak. LOL.

D24 said a ton more kids out today. PreCalc teacher recorded his lecture today so kids at home can access so I feel like they’re preparing. D24 said that in the other AP World class, a kid who is positive and knew it came to school! The teacher had him go to the quarantine isolation area, thankfully. Argh. Apparently, mens basketball team and football team have widespread COVID. Kids are faking and using their sibling’s negative tests. gaaahhh. I don’t know if it’s just kids gossiping but the principal sent out isolation protocol. She also said you have to send pix of negative test upon isolation and parents have to sign off.

S21 apparently in cloud nine because now ALL of his UC friends are on remote til 1/28. Berkeley and UCLA confirmed today. He’s like, “I don’t even have school til 1/26!”


I’m glad your daughter was able to get that shot! Yay pharmacist!

Yeah, in our town the number of teachers requesting subs for next week just shot up. And it was already high last week!

I took a home COVID test today partly because I had a headache that wouldn’t go away and partly because they arrived yesterday and I was curious. Negative. And I was really relieved. But I go back to sub for my son’s engineering teacher on Monday and I’m not looking forward to doing the mask fight again. Argh!


Congrats to everyone getting their kids quickly boosted. I am so happy that we got it done and that S had minimal symptoms. I am shocked that S21 is going back to his small conservatory in NC today with basically minimal disruption. Not sure it is a good or bad thing but he has a bunch of COVID tests, a lot of KF 94 masks and his hypochondriac nature so I am hoping for the best. Kids and adults at our high school continue to test positive but not in huge numbers, lets see how it works this week with the very cold weather.

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Took both of our kids to a community public health event at a local elementary school, so they now have their booster shots! It was great seeing so many other families there getting vaccinated, too. :slight_smile:


Yeah to boosters. D24 had no symptoms but soreness at the injection point the day after. I asked her if she is masking her symptoms out of determination to make it thru 3 shots without symptoms. She lives to say, “I’m built different.”

@helpingthekid73 Yeah to no college life disruption. Having a kid paranoid about getting sick is a parents dream at this point. D24 is really good with masking indoors. Before the surge and when they had just the Delta, d24 friends would mask up at indoor gatherings the entire time. Even when we were karaoking at our house. I was impressed. S21 isn’t as great with masking when he’s at friends house (they’re all boosted) and I know you can still transmit. I actually I’m bummed his UC friends are remote and they’re not going back to campus. I kinda wanted them gone to mitigate the risks. :joy:

Here’s an interesting thread by the UCSF chief of staff about his personal scenario with his son. I think many of us can relate.

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