Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Our School does not offer AP world history and we were initially upset as many others do but now after seeing all the above may it was for the best. S24 is planning to take AP US history hope that is better.

Our school sent a AP review packets for the Ap’s kids are taking last week. I believe it has a sample test and some other stuff. S24 did not open it yet. says we will look into it over spring break next week.

Wow too much stress with rushing through the chapters. Good luck your D24 on the upcoming AP exams.

I have heard the opposite in our school where they finish content by end of Jan/Feb and kids go too fast in the start. I am not sure why they cant plan better scheduling. It should not be that hard.

Our AP World class is survival. Always been. The head of the history dept is one of the teachers. Both kids had/have this teacher. In our accreditation meeting, I gave specific feedback that kids teach themselves. My daughter has a google doc where she tracks how time is wasted in class (driven by the teacher) and the questionable things he says.

I may publish it after the kids graduate. I don’t want repercussions but I have given specific feedback every year to the school and district on the annual survey.


I wish we knew if the AP test would have value. We might be studying and stressing over a test that her eventual school won’t even take.

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I dont think that any schools have a specific history requirement that this fills. It would replace general ed in schools that take ap classes for credit and if she does well boost her application.

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Yeah, at some schools it is part of the gen ed requirements and at some schools it’s just an elective. I wouldn’t stress about getting a free elective credit…

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My S is so annoyed that he signed up for this, giving me philosophical arguments as to why he shouldnt bother with it, omg

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We had a similar situation last year where his English teacher suddenly entered a bunch of zeros into Aspen. DS was like what the heck. I emailed the teacher and lo and behold she had “lost” a bunch of his homework assignments and instead of asking for them or looking for them just gave zeros instead. I was so angry. Thankfully she found them eventually and fixed the grades but imagine if we hadn’t noticed and final grades had gone in?!

It’s a good thing that you caught it when you did!!

Hi folks,
I’ve been following this thread for a while and have some questions for those if you who have planned schedules for next year.

S24 is a “spiky” student; stronger in some subjects than others. This week, we had parent-teacher conferences:

  1. His Chem teacher recommended he take Physics next year, followed by AP Env Science senior year. He likes that idea.
  2. Honors Spanish (a strength) teacher is recommending AP Spanish next year.
  3. English and History are subject-related electives next year. S might take AP English senior yr, and probably a full yr of Econ for the history slot.
  4. That leaves Math. S is on track to take Precalc next year and AP Calc AB during his senior year. But he also wants to take AP Stats. His math teacher recommends taking AP Stats next year, at the same time he takes Pre-Calc. AP Stats would therefore function as his elective. (He might have taken an intermediate BW Photography course in that slot, but he can still do that senior year).

In terms of college interests, S hopes to apply to schools with strong business programs and/or sports management majors. S also likes sports analytics.

Ok, so my question is: How difficult is AP Stats? Is it going to undermine his performance in Pre-Calc or his other classes? Will it help with the business school programs if he does well?

My D took AP stats concurrently with Honors pre calc when she was a junior. She found stats to be one of the easiest AP courses but really enjoyed the material.good luck to your son!


Agree with @momofboiler1 my S21 took AP stats as his math class senior year (finished AP calc AB as a junior) and thought it was a pretty easy class. Of course everything is teacher dependent but if he is interested it definitely is not a hard course. I would think that it would be helpful in terms of knowledge for business and sports analytics, but I don’t think it will give an admission advantage.

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Agree. My D took calc junior year and AP stats senior year. She struggled in pre calc and calc (combo of bad teacher and just not a passion for math). She found AP stats interesting and had no trouble earning an A.

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AP Stats is one of the easier APs, but a bad teacher can make it a nightmare.


Re: AP English - D24 is taking AP English Language this year & her teacher has said that passing the AP English Language exam is a lot easier than the AP English Literature exam. Just wanted to throw that out there when it comes time to pick an english class later on!

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this is very similar to my son’s Spanish teacher

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Well we just found out S has anrehearsal for the audition the night before the AP world test that will take about 4 hours. Made the decision for us! He is so relieved. We have now learned that taking an AP test without the class geared specifically for the test is a terrible idea.

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Taking an extra core course(in his case a second math) is a significant rigor boost which should help for all colleges, and that particular combination should not be too difficult assuming he enjoys math and wants to do this. One of mine took those two maths together in 9th and it was not difficult at all, even with no prior AP experience.

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My S21 took AP Calc BC with AP Stat and did fine. D24 is taking AP Calc AB and AP Stat next year.

I think he got great reco—AP Spanish especially since it’s his strength.

Colleges like AP Core classes (USH, World, english Lang, Comp, Calc, Physics, chem, Bio, foreign lang ). Everything else is not as material. If there’s a more core science class, that AP version is >> AP Environmental Science. I think Econ, Stat, Env Sci, Psych don’t really move the needle if they got the other core.

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Thanks. He definitely can’t do AP Bio because he got a B last year in that class (I mean 9th Grade Bio). His 10th grade Chem teacher likes him, but he still struggles to demonstrate his full knowledge on tests, which is why he’s running a B+ and why Chem teacher thinks AP ES is a good compromise (he likes the topic too). He’s willing to work hard, but he knows his limits.