Parents of the HS Class of 2024

D24 is complaining her neck hurts. Argh. Too much studying and prob bad posture. Also, AP world teacher is giving them a test before the AP exam (I think this will help despite them not seeing it as so) and a project (I have no friggin clue how this would help and he has tendencies to do tangent things). She has a timed write this Fri for english so she is annoyed there’s no time for AP world studying and it’ll be crammed into this weekend again

Hope she feels better. Next couple of weeks are stressful especially if they are taking AP exams. It good that the AP World teacher is giving a test before AP.

I think some teachers do that in our school.

AP Chem had tests and FRQ everyday the last 8 days into the exam and those were helpful. Turned our AP World project is a group presentation where they have to teach others and she knows her group won’t even have the right info so she can’t trust them to teach her anything. I told her that for her specific assigned thing, just use it as prep and spend min time for presentation (she’s good at presenting and has wicked memorization super powers) and let go of being worried she will get taught the wrong info. Just assume it’ll be a waste of time for that day and assume her group project will be a bad grade. Can’t control others with group projects (I hate group projects).


Good luck to everyone on those AP tests!

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Looks your D24 did a good job prepping for the AP exams.

My S24 was supposed to do a practice AP test over the week for the test on 5/9 and he has not yet completed one. This will be his first AP and I am not sure he is taking the test seriously enough.

Group Projects are always tricky while they are important to build team building skills they can cause lot of extra work if some in the group are not equally invested the project.

D24’s AP European History exam is tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Has to be at school by 7:30 am for it, so we’ll be getting up a little earlier than usual tomorrow.


D24 had the AP macroeconomics exam this morning. She said it was easy, so hoping that translates to a good score. She is unsure of future major, but economics may be at least one with something else as a double major. Sophomores at her school are only allowed to take one AP from a small list with more options open to juniors and seniors. Good luck to everyone on their AP and final exams!


D24 is brain dead this afternoon after this morning’s AP European History exam. She said that she was in the midst of writing sentence #1 of a 3-sentence answer to a short answer question at the end of the test when they said, “Pencils down.”

Happy Mother’s Day! Hope everyone is having a nice day!


Who will be doing SAT prep over the summer? If so…is your student taking a course, getting a tutor or self-studying?

I would like my D24 to sit for the 10/1 exams. Junior year is so stressful and jam-packed that I would like her to just get it out of the way early. The plan right now is one and done, unless she scores significantly lower than we anticipate. She will be doing her prep over the summer. We will use a tutor, as opposed to a class. I’m thinking somewhere between 8-12 weekly sessions, so starting in July.

What are you all doing?

D24 will study and also take SAT or ACT in the fall. Self studying over the summer for SAT and Subject SATs and testing early worked well for D22.

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S24 has a Saturday program during the school year so our plans is for him to take hte test in August. He is going to start with a private tutor next week when the program ends for this year. He will go two hours a week until school ends in late June and try to do 3 hours of self studying a week at home (his saturday program takes up about 20 hours a week during the school year and summer maintenance is about 10 hours a week). When the school year ends we are planning 4-6 hours a week with the tutor. We are also planning a one and done.

D24 had her math final exam today, so that’s 1 more down…3 more to go with AP English Language tomorrow, AP Bio on Wed, and a French final project presentation due on Thursday.

No idea yet when we’ll have her take SAT or ACT in 11th grade.


D24 starts in June. Not sure if it’ll be ACT or SAT so we will let the tutor help her decide like he helped S21 (who got a 36 ACT when all his momma knew was the SAT and assumed SAT was it!). We are going with the same company because the founder has not steered us or friends we referred to him wrong. I don’t have the heart to navigate this with my kid (although D24 is super coachable when dealing with us parents). I know she’s self-sufficient and can study on her own, but I want to make this easy for her and just have someone guide her. Junior year will be hard enough and she also has other things to do this summer. Shooting for Fall testing and maybe test #2 in Dec.

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We are planning for the August SAT test and then the second one in October if needs. Junior year will be hard and he plays spring sports and Fall/Winter he will be doing debate so would like to finish this ahead of time. We are planning a combination of self study/Class or tutor. Not yet decided.
He does not want to discuss this at all until his finals are done. His finals should be done in the next two weeks so we can focus on other stuff.

His AP test is done today now just the final in next couple of weeks.


We will study this summer as well. I think she’ll take the July ACT and maybe the September SAT. We will see how they each go over the summer. Hopefully she can be done early in junior year.

Any recommendations for an AP Chem tutor (over the summer) that can cover a lot of the curriculum before school starts?

AP Chem is like a different language and may be overwhelming if exposed too early with no motivation :). I recommend one of those Princeton review books and the college Board Chem classroom. Start with periodic table, mol, stoicheometry, and balancing the equations. That is prob sufficient til class starts.

Start with units 1-2. AP Chemistry Course – AP Central | College Board

Khan Academy has a similar set up but if you need a tutor (virtual but 1:1), I recommend Kyo Standards.

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Thank you! My son has a heavy Jr load so wanted to start studying the hardest AP over the summer :slight_smile:

S24 will study over the summer for SAT, plan to take it in August and retake in October if needed

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