Parents of the HS Class of 2024

When filling out the UC application students are also required to list their “in progress and planned” courses for senior year. The UC’s will see that she is taking Visual and Performing Arts her senior year and meeting that requirement.

D24 finished her finals last week and is in coasting mode this week. “Project week” starts on Friday…half days each day. Her “project” is screenwriting. Nothing that week is for a letter grade. You basically have to show up and participate. The school uses it as a way to reward everybody for working hard all year.

She’s supposed to leave on a choir trip on 5/28 and I have to pull her out of school for part of the morning on 5/25 in order to get a COVID PCR test done for the trip.

No summer job lined up yet. She’s going to do that right after returning from the choir trip.

Good luck to everybody’s kids who are going through final exams!!


The UC GPA is calculated using courses taken from summer before 10th grade until summer after 11th grade but a student receives credit for A-G courses completed during any of the four years. As @Penepole stated, VAPA senior year will be listed as in progress (IP) and she will receive credit for fulfilling that requirement.

All colleges, including the UCs, want to see a student keeping up the rigor that they exhibited in the first three years. They don’t want to see a student with honors and AP classes suddenly take all regular classes senior year.


Different grading systems are so interesting. At our school you need a 94 for a solid A. There are no A plus grades and only about 1 4.0 graduate every 5 years or so.


our school it is an 89.5

True I have seen the GPA calculations vary per school. I think that’s one reason the universities compare a students GPA with the rest of your school in Context and also a reason why it helps if a university is familiar with your school. For example our school does not do ranking or share ranking info on transcripts but I have heard the colleges can still figure out where you would in based on history of students who submit from that school in prior years.

D24 isn’t taking it til senior year. She doesn’t want the 4.0 max to weigh down her UC GPA :sweat_smile:. That, and she has no room and may go to rec soccer to try to get on the dance team (visual art credit if she makes company)

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Any ideas on when we can start registering for August 2022-June 2023 SAT dates?

I have read it will open after the june date, but i keep looking too

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Registration opened up yesterday. My S is registered for Aug.


My child did the same thing. She wanted to senior year to be a little lighter and more fun. She took 3 APs and 3 UC honors classes as a sophomore which is a heavy load. That allowed her to take VAPA and a lighter AP (ex. APES or AP Psych) senior year.


Oh my gosh! Thank you! Getting a test center in our area is so difficult that I need to go do that asap.

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Yes it opened yesterday. I registered for August and October dates

We have same problem in our area. Even though I tried yesterday itself the closest center for august I could get was 40 miles away :roll_eyes:

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Sorry. I’m still getting the hang of thia. I don’t know where to find a private message

That is what she’s thinking, as well


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Thank you

I registered my S too. Our high school doesnt offer it which is annoying but found one nearby. Hoping for a one and done! Fingers crossed!!!


It looks like ACT registration for Sept has not opened up yet?