Parents of the HS Class of 2024

This is the logic we are using for S24. He is my third to go through the process but each child needing something different from college.

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Great review! DS is interested in ASU and you bring up many valid points. He has zero concept of what HUGE is and I have been trying to tell him this place is huge.

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I didn’t even realize how physically big ASU is until we went on the tour. It’s not something that comes across well with video tours.


Everyone happy with AP scores?

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Very pleased. At the end of 9th grade, D24 got a 2 on the AP US Government and Politics exam. She was disappointed but most of that school year was online and she doesn’t do as well with online classes.

For 10th grade, her scores that came out today were a 4 in AP Bio, a 3 in AP English Language, and a 3 in AP European History.

We are over the moon excited and proud of her.


S24 also got a 4 in AP bio.


S24 got a 4 in AP Computer Science Principles.


My DS got 5 in AP calculus bc, AP physics 1, and AP European history. Super proud


My daughter got 4s in world history and English Language and a 3 in statistics. We are excited! I had no idea what to expect. I know they did not cover all the material in any of the classes and they missed a ton of school, so we’re happy with these!


Woot!! 4’s for AP Chem and World for D24!!

Been busy and haven’t been on CC in a while. I think it’ll pick up for us shortly. D24 started her internship with the city. It’s unpaid but she’s meeting tons from the mayor to the district attorney to US Congressmen. She got a paid internship offer from what will likely be our state legislator this November. I love it because she’s Asian and I want my daughter to see someone who looks like her. Maybe she will be a lawyer vs a doctor ;). But this internship is certainly not in the same lane as the biomed/med things she’s been doing. She was assigned as the intern to the City’s HR dept. First hs intern for them. She’s also one of 3 rising juniors among the group of 40 interns. Rest are rising seniors.

She’s busy prepping for ACT. She took both practice ones and since reading comprehension has been her weaker areas, our coach said ACT. So far so good. She’s been focusing on the math sections. Likely a Sept test and Dec test. Drivers license test is kid Aug. I’m super stoked about that!


S24 received a 5 in Computer Science Principles.


Also for what it’s worth, a lot of colleges accept 3’s. I’ve been really confused about why some parents don’t have their kids report 3’s. I think 3’s are respectable!


Bump because I’m curious too. I love that area, but I doubt my D will give Humboldt a serious look.

I’ve done some looking online and for 2 of our big in state universities (ASU, U of A), for most subjects, they’ll only give you credit if you score a 4 or 5 on the AP exam, whereas next door in NM, they’ll give you credit for a 3 or higher.

So, for example, if D24 attended U of A, even though she got a 3 on the AP English Language exam, she’d still end up having to take the equivalent class as a freshman and wouldn’t get any college credit for the AP test. However, for the equivalent CLEP exam, a passing score DOES get you college credit at U of A.

I find this sort of thing strangely fascinating.

So S24 took zero APs this year, but UNCSA where S21 goes not only accepts 3s but uses them for full credit.

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D24 got a 5 on AP macroeconomics. She was worried about taking more AP classes next year, but I think this 5 made her more confident that she can handle it. Hope she remembers that when school starts.


Just starting to get into the college process for S24 - San Francisco, competitive public high school.

5 in AP World History, 4.0 GPA so far (maybe more weighted b/c he took one honors and one AP class and got A’s)

Junior year he has APUSH, AP CS Principles, AP Physics 1, PreCalc Honors (he originally did not want to take honors but he realized that to take AP Calc BC in senior year he needs PreCalc Honors), Spanish Honors, English (regular, no Honors or AP). It is a heavy load I think because he also plays a varsity sport and is relatively active in 2 clubs (Quiz Bowl and Online Sports both of which are fun for him.
No idea what he is interested in doing, right now it is Business/Finance/Econ but says that he will see if he likes Physics and CS. Definitely does not want to pursue biological sciences/chemistry/art school so at least that is out.
I think he is light on EC’s (just 2 clubs and volunteers with a refugee org to teach english to new refugees) but at the same time I think this is his time to enjoy himself and find out what he likes, we hear about various programs to develop apps and do a ton of other stuff (research etc.). He started studying for SAT (August test) a few weeks ago and got 1340 in the first practice test (no prior prep). To me it seems he is on track for a strong Top Tier business/econ program.
What am I missing ? Neither of us went through this process (we are immigrants) so will be leaning into this awesome community for guidance !


Sounds like he is doing everything right. Getting good grades and working hard, doing things he likes. For ECs a part time job and honest volunteering supposedly mean a lot so he probably is doing just fine with that too if he also plays varsity sports. SAT prep going string here too. My S is working on it and it seems that between Algebra 2 and precalc is the perfect time. He has been doing some prep where they go over the questions that he gets wrong one on one and it has been very helpful, if you can find something similar maybe helpful.


If he’s shooting for Wharton, I don’t think his ECs are sufficient. If he wants to go econ/biz route, I would consider more leadership and/or biz-related EC if that’s available.


Thanks, I was leaning in that direction as well, his school does not have DECA and I saw the Wharton Investment Competition so that maybe something. Not sure how engaged the school faculty will be to act as faculty leads for stuff like this given all the crazy stupid issues with San Francisco schools. I’d love for him to target Wharton but he needs to get there, in that mental space to think about and act on what he needs to do to get into the Top Biz/Econ schools.