Parents of the HS Class of 2025

D25 had first dance competition of the season this weekend. Next weekend is another one. She will find out her fall schedule on Wednesday. Fingers crossed she has a few friends in her classes as it makes it so much easier for her to motivate herself.

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S25 just got back from XC camp. That was his first sleep away camp experience and he had a great time. Unfortunately several kids got Covid and now my husband has it-super mild so far so that’s good. He got his schedule but doesn’t find out who his teachers are until the first day of school next week. He’s feeling good about the summer work that was required for a couple of his classes and it hasn’t seemed too bother him too much. He doesn’t want summer to end and now sort of in a permanent state of the Sunday scaries. I can’t blame him! We are in California and so now school starts later for high school and I’m really happy about it! 9:30 start on Mondays and close to 8:30 the rest of the week. It was a really good summer for our family. Hope the same for all of you!


Love that he was at a XC camp. My D25 is on the XC team here in San Francisco, and an 11th grade boy on the XC team (top runner on the team) did one of those in Colorado. Seems pretty cool!

Yes it’s so fun. My d21 ran Xc and track all four years and did the same camp, so I knew my son would get a lot out of it. He went too hard though and I think has hip bursitis-or something similar which I hope resolves soon. We are no stranger to all the various injuries :joy:

The child got an A in online summer PE! Which was, to be completely honest, a pretty intense class, and one that it would have been entirely possible to fumble gradewise.

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Yeah, not surprised. D25’s teammate also got a bit of hip injury at camp. A lot racing type of running, inevitable with a bunch of motivated, talented runners.

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That’s great!

D25 is taking his first day of driver’s ed on Zoom (his choice, they offer both in person and on zoom) today – should have it wrapped up before school starts. He went for his first drive in a parking lot yesterday – going straight and stopping were fine. Turning is the skill he needs some work on next. :slight_smile:


Schedules are up! Students take six classes, and school district rules limit 9th-graders to zero AP/IB classes unless they place into AP-level math (unlikely, but one of C25’s fellow students did so last year), and 10th-graders are limited to one in addition to any math or foreign language AP/IB classes they place into (which is why C25 has three). The child’s classes this fall (all of which are full-year) are:

  • Advanced orchestra
  • English II (honors)
  • World history (AP)
  • German (IB-SL)
  • Calculus AB (AP)
  • Chemistry
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D25 has her DMV appointment to get her instructional permit next Tuesday. I’ve taken her out driving in a big parking lot (used by many student drivers here in San Francisco). We’ve spent plenty of time on parallel parking!


We took the older driving before he got his permit since everything was shut down for the pandemic. But with S25, we waited until he got his permit and started classes. He’s our rule follower who doesn’t like the idea of sneaking things. Which works out because the world isn’t shut down the way it was for S22…


And, yeah, I should said S25, not D25, in my earlier post. I still fall back to DS, and then remember it’s X25, and I delete, and I end up with D25, but he’s actually S25… sigh


Hello everyone and welcome to the new school year. I found this forum researching colleges for DS23. DD25 is watching the process closely and has probably put just as much time into thinking about her own college experience as DS, so I guess its time I join in too.

Both of my kiddos attend a very small independent prep school in coastal Central California. DD is a competitive swimmer, her 10th grade class VP, plays field hockey and is involved in model UN. This summer she spent four weeks studying aboard with a language and culture program on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. She’s a pretty well rounded kid with lots of interests, she’s leaning towards a science field at this point, but we’re well aware that that may change.
My kids started school today. DD’s schedule is as follows:
English 10
Honors Pre-Calculus
Honors Spanish III
World History II
Art II

I’m looking forward to learning more from all of you!


Today is day three of 10th grade for S25. He seems very happy to be back with his buddies and said he likes his teachers. Gearing up for homework again is going to be a process, though. The ADHD is strong with this one, and last night I found him tuning his 5th grade ukulele instead of working on AP European History. He got into a good groove last year, so I’m hoping he’ll get back on track soon. But oh how it tests my patience! Wishing everyone a good end to the summer and/or a good start to the school year!


Band camp finished up with the 10 hour days mostly outside. The parents got to see 2/3 of the show that’s ready for viewing. It’s a really difficult piece and with all the new kids it’s taken a little longer to get through but they’re close! The day after camp we invited a few friends from camp over and a couple moms and spent the day at the lake. It’s hot and the water was perfect. They had so much fun, even the 3 really introverted boys who came actually stayed longer than the mom who brought them. I drove them home. It was good to see them come out of their shells. We’re going to do it again next week lol.


The summer flew by! Aside from covid getting all of us after D25’s ballet intensive, it was a good six weeks. We just got back from a family vacation and I’m already mildly sentimental about the number we have left while D25 is still living at home. Don’t worry, no tears. :slight_smile:

When does school start for your kids? Since we decided to let D25 do the public charter school, her classes start on different days over the next 2 weeks. We’re headed to her former hs to officially withdraw her tomorrow morning. She seems utterly calm about this change; I’m more nervous about it all. Ballet starting actually feels more grounding, since it’s known. Let the Nutcracker season commence! May everyone’s start go well!


And no, before you even ask, we are so totally not ready.

We dont start till Sept 1st.
She got her schedule and is happy with her teachers (and some friends in her classes).

Intro to Psych
US History
Spanish 4
English 10
Accelerated Geometry


Today! Because D25 has had cross country practice over the summer starting at the school, it feels sorts “old hat” to be there today. We are behind on getting her textbooks though! eBooks wouldn’t certainly make getting those quickly easier.

School doesn’t start here until September 7. So, we’ve got some time to finish up driver’s ed classroom stuff, practice driving, and generally laze about before it all starts again.