Parents of the HS Class of 2025

It completely doesn’t matter. AP test scores are only a positive, a low score means nothing.


Tell her not to worry! My daughter got 5s, 4s, and 3s on AP exams over her high school career - as well as choosing not to take a couple where she knew the instruction was not geared to the test - and chose not to submit any of them as part of her applications. It’s possible her reference letter teachers mentioned her score for their particular class, but we don’t know.
She’ll be attending Amherst in the fall, not an athlete, nor an URM, no hooks.


thanks. She doesn’t like us to waste money so she wants to make the AP exam fee worth it. I told her I don’t even know if AP Gov will count for anything except an elective credit in college anyway. She’s pretty sure she got one of the FRQ’s wrong so she’s been bummed ever since they went over the test in class.

My D25 is on edge, too. Doesn’t matter if I told her they don’t count for anything, but she sees them as an affirmation that she’s bright and capable. Doesn’t help that peers say things like, “only a 4 or 5 are acceptable.” Barf.

I told her that I’m thrilled with the skills she’s gained this year and is learning how to study, write complex ideas, and synthesize info.


D23 got a 2 on one AP exam, and mostly 3/4’s on the rest, and got into UC Berkeley this last admissions cycle - no need to stress over AP exams!


My s23 took only 2 AP classes and did not take any AP tests. It would not have helped him with his major.

Good luck to all waiting on AP scores! D25 opted to not take the AP World exam due to a really poor class and feeling like she didn’t have enough time to self-prep. She offered to take it next year. (I didn’t tell her that I think that’s highly unlikely to happen. It was a nice gesture!) I do have mild concern that if she reports all the others she (at least, in theory) will take and leaves this one out it will show poorly, but I just can’t spend much time on that.

D25 is still gone at her ballet summer intensive and her brother (S27) was at camp last week, so my husband and I had practice at an empty nest. I’m not ready, although I did enjoy a lovely date with my husband and an additional movie at home together. S27 is back and I will see D25 in 3 weeks. I can’t wait!

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer, avoiding wildfire smoke, and making good memories!

S25 does not seem concerned about the AP score release in the least, but that’s on brand for him. Hoping he at least got 3s on AP Euro and APCSP.

On a positive note, he just got back from doing an Intro to Engineering camp at Missouri S&T in Rolla, MO. He had an absolute blast and really enjoyed himself. He is a bit socially anxious and he really put himself out there to meet people. He had a great roommate and enjoyed the other participants. He got to visit five engineering departments and liked Metallurgical and Nuclear the best. He said he’s definitely putting S&T on his college list. It’s 4 1/2 hours from home but only one hour from his grandparents, which would be convenient. Plus, he would qualify for a decent automatic scholarship. Relieved to have another good school on his list!

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer. It’s flying by for us!


Spent day at a friends. Her S18 oldest went into workforce. Middle child S23 entering the trades. Youngest D26 wants college.

Youngest will get 0 money for college from parents. Instead they buy each kid a house they can either live in or rent out. Youngest literally has no choice.

I wish I had the parents money but D26 is already questioning how she will deal with this rental property when shes in another state for college.

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Is there a local college? Sounds like she might need to attend it!

She could hire a management company to take care of things.

D25 got a 4 on her APGov test. Fantastic score for that test IMO. I saw somewhere that only 12% of test takers got a 5.


What was the class like? S24 is taking it senior year. Lots of summer reading for it and a test on the first day of class. He is regretting it already.

My D thought it was harder than Euro but most kids would disagree. She said it was falsely advertised, haha. Mostly she thought it was more work and the teacher more nit-picky while Euro was probably her favorite in all of HS so some bias there. She got 5 in both.


She didn’t have any summer reading last summer. It was an entire year class for her though. I know some people just take it over 1 semester. A lot of delving into the Constitution and Congress rules etc. I did buy a review book on Amazon and D25 said it was very helpful.


D25 got a 4 on AP Euro. She’s thrilled.


Congrats! I wish we had that class at our school. It sounds interesting.

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Three 4s on AP tests in our house this year. AP GOV and LIT for D23 and AP World History for S25. Happy all around :slight_smile:


We aren’t ones to put much emphasis on the AP tests, we just wanted our kids to take the classes to challenge themselves in the classroom, make the extra effort, be more prepared for that type of rigor. D25 is disappointed in her 3 on APUSH this year as she got a 4 on her APWorld last year. Then she admitted that she didn’t study as hard as last year.

FWIW our S23 who is going to a highly selective university got a 5 on APCalc, 4 on APGov and 4 on AP CompSci … and a 2 on 12th English Lit. He’s still going to college and will thrive, but he knows now that he needs to put in more effort with his English requirements and since he’s a compsci/math major he feels good about being prepared for his chosen major. His other scores from his junior, sophomore and freshman years are 4 on APUSH, 3 on 11th English Lang, 3 on World, 3 on Chemistry and another 2 on Psychology (and I normally don’t question educators, but his teacher really did not prepare them at all for the test… she is no longer the teacher for this class)

Just a reminder you do not have to report your scores when applying to colleges. You can just indicate that you took the classes.


After insisting that he didn’t remember his email or password, I finally cajoled S25 into opening his AP results. He got a 3 in Euro and a 4 in CSP. Honestly we were both relieved. The tests coincided with a busy time with band and skeet overlapping, and it was a stressful, teary time for him. So relieved he passed and to know that some of the schools on his list (S&T and SD Mines) will accept a 3 for credit. Onward and upward!