Parents of the HS Class of 2025

I doubt my son will even get his score, since it sounds like when it kicked him out and his computer restarted they don’t have record of him finishing.

I am on a call with College Board and the woman does not understand what I am saying- even when I read her the email they sent word for word :roll_eyes:

On hold for a half hour, hung up and called back to talk to someone else, on hold again.

I think the digital PSAT this fall could be a disaster.

Do you know when they are supposed to get their scores? It’s been 2 weeks now.

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I called and there is no record of my son having taken the test :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

We haven’t heard anything about scores. My daughter got an email today though with a link to the practice app.


D25 is off to the SAT right now. She was a little nervous. Found out yesterday that one of the seniors in her advisory group is also taking the test today at the same location. I think knowing that the other girl will be there calmed her a bit.

She just started school 2 days ago and already has 3 tests on Monday. Looks like this year will be even more intense than I was anticipating. Super glad she’s getting the SAT out of the way today!

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Mine is taking it today too.

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mine too :slight_smile:

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Good luck to all those taking the SAT today!

And yes, I miss the :crossed_fingers:t4: or :shamrock: emoji as a quick reply!


Mind was just appreciative of realizing that will not be her. She’s come around to understand my insistence on this timeline.

Well test is done. Scores come out September 8th.

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They get scores that quickly from a paper test?

I was surprised too, but that’s what the internet said!


Hello - just getting into these forums. After reading here, I am realizing our school is unusual. We are in a Dallas suburb. We are a normal public school, I would never use the words “prestigious” or anything.

Our school offers something like 30-35 AP classes. They don’t put limits on when a student can take them or how many. They grade on a 6.0 scale - on level are 4.0, pre-AP are 5.0, AP and post-AP are 6.0.

My son finished his second week of school and he’s taking -
AP Latin
AP Lang
AP Stats
post-AP Music Theory
AP Psych
AP Seminar
and TA-ing for a Calc BC class bc he didn’t want to have to take 7 AP tests.

No science this year because he’s been doubling up. He took AP chem, AP bio, APES, AP Phys, and a post-AP bio class the last 2 years.

I am going to explain to him how lucky he his to have these opportunities!

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With few exceptions , scores always come out 13 days after the test (Friday of the second week).

They get released in batches, starting around 8am Eastern, so some may not come until lunch time or even later in the day.


Apparently the scores for the digital practice will come out after a month :roll_eyes:

Welcome to the forum and yes, your son is quite lucky that his school offers 30-35 APs!

Does your son have any interest in a STEM major?

that seems crazy to me! I hope the actual digital PSAT comes out next day like the college board toted! So weird that it take that long when the paper test takes 2 weeks!

I’m guessing it is because it is a test of the new format and they are triple checking?

Or not at all if it crashed on the last question like it did for my son.

I just saw someone on Reddit claim that they received an email stating that if the are registered for the PSAT in October, they will not receive their practice text score.