Parents of the HS Class of 2025

I keep revising D25s list of schools to look at more closely. Creighton, Butler, Dean, Florida Southern, Le Moyne, Ohio Northern, Oklahoma City U, Shenandoah, Western Carolina, U of Southern Mississippi, and University of Louisiana-Lafayette. ?Jacksonsville U (shes toured and liked it but unsure about majors there).

As with s23, we have some TE schools on her list. Seeing how academically competitive they are, my 3.0 d25 has fewer chances. Shes interested in criminology, some sort of social work, and dance. Little to no overlap with big brothers list!

With touring schools shes been able to verbalize its not the number of students but actually more the campus layout and acreage. Cuses 700 plus acres is too big. 200-300 is fine (i think her max would be 500).

U of South Miss dance team popped up on social media. Ended up reviewing majors and it has everything shes interested in. Even has a criminal justice with juvenile studies focus she finds intriguing. With big bro getting full tuition scholarship, this does open up some money for her. And yes, the potential price point at South Miss is possibly doable. Plus its warmer weather which she likes and seems to have okay diversity.


Looks like she has some great options.

We’re going to visit Calvin on Friday. I think it’s the biggest school on D25’s list. There is also a big college fair at school on Monday. Should be interesting. NHS has to help out with it but they will still have time to look aroud.

Listing them because they aren’t as “popular” on this forum. There’s thousands of colleges out there that aren’t commonly mentioned. Especially for those average 3.0 kids.


Can you report back on Calvin? It’s still on the (distinctly too) long list for D25, and I’d love fresh feedback.

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So the kid misfigured the timing on one of the math PSAT sections, and so is effectively guaranteed to have a lower score than the practice test. The child is stressed out about it, but it’s not like national merit scholarships have been all that much nearly anywhere for decades now. And for my part, I’d way rather that something like that happens on the PSAT than on the actual SAT or the ACT, you know?


I have a bad feeling about D25’s test too. She said she thought the 1st writing section was hard but the 2nd really easy so I’m worried she bombed the first section. Oh well.

Will do. Feel free to PM me if you want me to look into anything specific.

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My kids are terrible at predicting how they did, so I hope for the best and try not to speculate. Its not impossible, but I find it unlikely that she did not level up based on what you shared before. The threshold is pretty low.

I hope we will all come back and share scores, particularly those who have taken a paper SAT around this time - I am very curious on how they will relate. I REALLY want D to have done well enough on the Oct SAT to call it a day. Reddit SAT is stressing me out haha. You are waiting on that as well, correct?

My kid slept through part of his pre ACT for 2 years. Had zero clue how he did on the actual ACT. He got a 35 (36 in science). Don’t fret until you see the results.

Hi everyone. Perhaps this has been discussed/announced, but I cannot seem to find any info about when students will be able to register for the March 2024 digital SAT. Does anyone know??

My daughter is registered for the December '23 paper SAT and we would love to cancel it when if she’s able to register for one or two of the digital test dates.

I had a child who took the SAT in Dec '21 and March '22, but I can’t remember if we were able to sign up for both at the same time or if the spring test date registration became available later on. There was also Covid chaos at the time, so I’m not sure it that was a typical registration roll out either.

Any info is appreciated. Thanks!

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I feel like it opens around 3 months ahead?

March SAT is a school day test, paid for by our school district. Is yours the same? (I.e. we don’t sign up thru college board)

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No. My D25 took the August test. But I too am curious how that compares to the digital PSAT . Hopefully we’ll find out on Nov 6!

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There is an open March SAT - next year will be on the 9th

How did she do on the SAT?

  1. She did great in math but not so hot in English. Which is funny because she came out of the test thinking it was the best English section she had ever taken. Turns out it was the lowest score she’s ever gotten in English.

Hi everyone.

I’m trying to schedule campus tours for midwinter and spring break, but outside of our state (Washington State) I don’t see any available dates for late winter / early spring.

In Washington State you can plan up to 6 months in advance, and at least in my circle, we plan pretty much everything that far in advance.

When do college tour dates start in other parts of the country?

Or am I looking in the wrong places to schedule?

Examples of college tour pages I am looking at:
Family/Individual Tour Registration (This kind scares me. Like are we supposed to book a flight day of or book a flight and cross our fingers?)
Tours and information sessions | Office of Admissions

Bonus points if you can tell me why Washington State seems to be the one exception here, because I’m curious.

Thank you everyone for your help.

None of the colleges we are planning on touring in spring have tour dates yet.
The November schedules just came out for most of ours!

It’s funny you bring this up because I was planning our spring break trip trying to figure out logistics and everything. I knew we were going to tour U of Puget Sound and checked on their website and it let me book a tour for my D for April. The few other schools I’ve looked into on the east coast only have a couple months out on their calendars. UPS sent an email saying they would reach out closer to the date to ensure they set up the music tour and anything else she would like to do. I wish I could tell them how much I appreciate being able to plan ahead. I would be frustrated if I booked our trip but couldn’t get an organized tour on the day we’re available or if I had known could have booked my trip differently.

We did some tours and I noticed they only open up a few months before and go VERY fast. But I will say most of the time if you can’t get a tour but show up, there will be space and you can jump into a group. I’ve had several AOs tell me they have empty slots in tours all the time. That’s what we did at Berkeley.

The other situation we’ve been in is where the school plans huge events and there’s an almost unlimited number of spots, they just need to know you’re coming to prepare. SMU calls theirs Mustang Day.

The main problem I’m having is finding days that we’re off but the school is not. I’ve only been able to schedule something for Washington birthday weekend because we have an additional bad weather day. We have a friend at Duke so I’m just going to book it and at the least they can show us around.

Thanks everyone! At least I’m not missing something.

Ack! That’s two weeks away? How do their tour guides even plan their own school and work schedules?

Here in Washington State people do tend to plan ahead. I think it’s because that’s how we get through the winters. Gotta have something to look forward to. UPS is a great school. I wish my daughter wanted to go closer to home!

Interestingly, there are still plenty of spots in the UCs and CalStates for October, but I’m guessing when Oregon and Washington have spring break it will be a free-for-all.

Several schools said “No walk ons!” in bold, with further clarification that there would be no day-of waitlist or any way to tour that day. What a bummer.

Exactly. That is the whole reason I wanted to plan ahead. It is going to take some work. My daughter has a long list of schools and we will need to schedule very thoughtfully if she’s going to cross some off the list.

One school even had same-week dates only! I work for a flexible company and can do remote. How do people do it?