Parents with Kids Choosing to go TO - Stats and Results

I am top 5% of my class of 325 top public school in NY State
UW 3.9 W 4.4
8 APs, 4 dual enrollment, 10 honors classes
I play two travel club sports, am co-captain for 5 years on one
25-35 volunteer hours per year since 9th grade
National Honor Society member
Great essay, great letters of rec.
Female, white, Native American
Honestly, my SAT scores are not great at all. 1140 (don’t judge me) I just don’t perform well on lengthy timed tests in a room filled with 100s of people. I’ve taken the test 3 times and won’t test again.

I applied EA to 17 schools (because I could see myself being more than happy at any of them) and went test optional if available. I’ve been accepted to 3 so far.

Test Optional:
Appalachian State
Belmont University - accepted with $10,000 merit which is the highest for this year
Florida Institute of Technology- accepted with $21,000 merit the highest amount offered
Nova Southeastern
Randolph-Macon accepted with $29,000 merit and an invitation to interview for a full tuition scholarship
University of Miami
University of Tampa
UNC Wilmington
Wingate- accepted with $31,500 in merit

Tests Sent:
University of Florida

I know that my chances are lowered for the schools that required scores unfortunately, but it is what it is and I’m not going to stress.

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