I didn’t get this email still waiting hopefully
@theguy4456 I didn’t get this email either. I emailed them today and they said mid/late march letters will come out.
this is later than past years usually by end of feb people have admitted student tabs on their portal and earliest letters in first week of march! I think they may be busy with other issues such as trying to control the CoronaVirus outbreak within the new school.
I didn’t receive the mail either… Yes, there’s a possibility that they’re busy with the Corona Virus outbreak thing… I’ve read it in the news that Corona Virus Outbreak is going to affect the admissions and enrolments of the international applicants this year. As per the situations and the US travel ban… there is a possibility that the applicants from China and other countries that are severely hit by the Virus might defer their offers and hence the admissions committee needs to work through that…
Hope we get the results at the earliest!
Not able to wait anymore… :neutral:
Accepted to Lang!
Decision letter dated 3/4 on admissions hub and accepted student tab on Mynewschool.
Congratulations!!! You were deferred from EA weren’t you? So exciting !!! Congrats
@fghjkjhg42 yes I was! Toured the school last week and really liked the program. So stoked!
Also got the official email today as well so I guess they’re starting to release decisions.
@diamondlife ahh soo amazing! Good on you! So happy for you! Did you apply for just Lang or parsons too?
Still nothing on my hub nor any email ahhh ??
@diamondlife Congratulations!!
My DD got accepted to Lang too. She’s BA/BFA.
Acceptance letter was pretty out of the blue so she’s excited.She didn’t apply EA, but did have her application in by the date that said she’d hear by Early March.
She received a nice merit scholarship but any other financial aid wasn’t mentioned in her letter.
Good luck to everyone!
@fghjkjhg42 just Lang. No Lang forum on CC lol
@Mimi2018 thanks! Congrats to your daughter as well. I’m thinking of doing a minor at Parsons. Awesome facility!
Ahh gotcha! Well congrats! So glad you’ve received your acceptance! You deserve it!
Congratulations, you guys!
Anyone who has applied for Parsons RD got anything yet?
Nothing yet! I was deferred from EA to Parsons so we’ll see what happens!
@benwickstrand me too.
Still noting ahh
I need some advise for my Son. He has got into every school he has applied for Industrial Design. At Parsons, he has a 22K scholarship. He just got an acceptance to UWash. He is somehow keen on UWash since it will give him a full college experience? What are your thoughts…what would you do? This is a good problem for him to solve but need some data points to make the right decision.
@4maniars … Hey! First of all Congrats! Your son totally nailed it!
Now when you talk about choosing a college, I personally think you should look on the bigger picture. Rather than having to get a “college experience”, I would most definitely look for what it would be like after I graduate… and Parsons is ranked No. 3 in the World and No. 1 in the US for Design!
And a degree from Parsons is of way higher value in the whole world when you look for an internship or a Job.
It totally makes a huge difference…
I agree that long term Parsons would be far better than UW.
That being said, what else appeals to him about UW other than the “college experience” ? Not knowing how familiar he is with Seattle and the Pacific Northwest, these are the questions that come to mind:
Does he want to be at a huge school in a huge city? How does the Industrial Design program compare to Parsons? What other schools did he get accepted to?
How far from home will he be? Would he like to live in cold, rainy climate 6 months a year? These are questions I’d have him think about.
Seattle is an amazing city, Puget Sound is beautiful with a ton of amazing outdoor activities to participate in. The biggest drawbacks in my opinion are that the weathers very dreary in the winter and the housing costs, and traffic, are horrendous.
UW does have great school spirit and a strong alumnae association from what I’ve witnessed having lived in the Pacific Northwest all my life.
Any chance he applied to Univ… of Oregon? They have a great design program, which is only getting stronger thanks to it’s Nike connection.
@Abhijeetism @Mimi2018 thanks for your responses. Are either of you going to Parsons this fall, and if so, which program?
@4maniars My DD was accepted to Lang for BA/ BFA. She’s waiting to hear from one more school in NYC before she makes her final decision. She is interested in art history, museum studies, design, fashion and sustainability, so it’s a perfect fit for her with all the cross-disciplines available!
I’m keeping fingers crossed she chooses the New School, but ultimately it’s her decision.
Congratulations to your son, btw! It sounds like he has a lot of great options.
@4maniars I’m waiting for the decisions… although I’ve applied for post grads - Communication Design.
Has anyone got decisions from Parsons RD yet??