Nothing yet! Thi is getting so frustrating!
I received an email today:
"We anticipate releasing admission decisions next week.
What major are you applying to? Also, has anyone else received this email?
I didn’t receive the email either. I’m applying for BFA fashion design
@benwickstrand @fghjkjhg42 - my DD received acceptance packet from The New School (Lang/Parsons) today. She heard last week via email, so the packet was a surprise.
I didn’t receive any emails as well. Applying for BFA Product Design
Should I be concerned that i haven’t received any of these emails regarding an update to when decisions will be released.
Do you think only people that have been accepted are getting them…?? Ahh I’m so nervous. I was already accepted into SCAD and London College of Fashion for BFA in fashion design but Parsons is my dream school!! I did a summer intensive there last year and I loved it soo much!!
I was deferred from EA to RD and now I’m really worried I’m going to be rejected!
@benwickstrand @fghjkjhg42 My son applied to BFA Communication/Graphic Design and hasn’t received an email. It sounds like, from people’s responses, that BFA Design applicants (those who only applied to BFA design) didn’t get any emails yet.
@fghjkjhg42 Hi, I don’t think you need to be concerned too much. Last week, a friend of mine received the email about updating, and it said “Please note. This email is simply an alert that an update is being made to your application file. It is not an indication of admission to the program.” So I guess there are some programs having made their final decisions, and others have not. Let’s just keep waiting hopefully!
Seem like undergrad programs are releasing results.
Any grad students get any update yet?
Especially in the Design & Tech program?
@fghjkjhg42 don’t stress. I didn’t receive any emails. Just randomly checked my portal and saw the acceptance in the morning. In the afternoon that same day got the official “there’s been an update to your portal” email. And received my packet in the mail yesterday.
The only thing on the portal that changed before decisions went out was the “me” tab. It disappeared and all I has was the “services” tab. Then when I did get admitted the “admitted student” popped up along services. I think you get “me” back when you submit your deposit.
Ahh thank you all so much!! Feel so much less stressed now!!
Good luck to everyone still waiting!! Thank you all!
Hey @minhanh0604 … Nothing on my portal yet as well… I’ve applied for grad and waiting for the results desperately…
Haven’t received any mail too…
Yes it looks like undergrads are getting results firstly… I’m an international student and have applied for grad course… Don’t know when we gonna hear it from the school…
Hearty congrats to people who got the results!
I am international too.
I got rejected and waitlisted by two schools, so I am so nervous about Parsons.
Which program are you applying to?
@minhanh0604 … I’ve applied for MPS Communication Design…
I’m so worried about the results too…
@Abhijeetism Yo! Me too, They’re supposed to start sending out offer letters from next week. I’m nervous as well cause My WES took FOREVER.
Interesting…today is the first day that, when I logged into my son’s account, there is a “Services” tab that wasn’t there before. And it is next to the “Me” tab. When I click on it, it shows the Financial Aid section for 2020-2021 Academic Year, under Requirements, the line item for FAFSA is checked in green. (We submitted that in October.) If I click on Financial Aid Status underneath, it brings me to a page where I can choose the academic year and click on another link to see “Academic Progress” because that is their explanation as to why the financial aid status is “Needs Review” for Fall 2020 Term. From there, I can click on a bunch of other things.
I am wondering if this is the case for all those are still waiting to hear.
Hey @Shivram
That’s great!
Yea… all we can do is wait and hope for the best for now!
Also, WES evaluation wasn’t necessarily required by them right?
@Abhijeetism I was under the impression that it wasn’t as well but turns out it is required if you haven’t done your undergraduate studies in the US. I’ve studied in the UK & Italy so I double-checked by emailing them and someone from the admissions department said it was mandatory. So I rushed with getting that done, my results only got delivered to them by the 3rd of March, so idk whats up.
Btw do you have a portfolio I can check out? Since I’ve applied for the same MPS in CD program. Also, it doesn’t say waitlist or anything for me on my admissions portal, could you probably upload a screenshot on imagebb/imagur so i can see how it looks?
Hey @Graphitemovermom … Nope. Nothing like that on my portal… It still just has a ME tab…