I just got accepted into their architecture design major!! Just a few questions for those who plan on committing; how are y’all paying? I got a 14k merit scholarship and I’m not sure i can afford parsons, it’s sad because it’s been my dream school since middle school. I applied for fafsa and got around 5.5K. what are you guys doing to afford this school? Is the debt worth it?
Congratulations to you all, so exciting!
I haven’t heard back from them yet for BFA fashion design, international student. so I think I’ve been rejected… hopefully any news soon…
hey guys! Congrats to all acceptance!
Does anybody have some news for MFA design & technology? My admissionshub only says no announcement.
@Jacinth where on admissions hub do you see a descion?
@fghjkjhg42 When did you apply? I’m undergrad applied for Fashion Design and haven’t received my decision letter either. No email besides invitation to meet staff at special open day.
@idkanymorelol I applied for Early Action in November I was deferred to RD and I didn’t get any email about meeting faculty… ahh so nervous
i also havent received anyth , im bfa fashion design as well (international) but i applied during rd
Did anyone applying for masters get the result? I saw many applicants got their decision letters, but only one of them is applying for master program… Do undergrad and grad release decisions at the same time?
I didn’t see the decision, only saw " no announcement ", at the top-left corner of the webpage.
Decision in Admissions Hub. Rejected. I’m disappointed, but he did already get into his his top choice (Pratt) and several others, and this was low on his list, so hopefully S20 will not be terribly hurt by this rejection. Applied to BFA Communication Design-Graphic Design, domestic applicant.
@nfashiontx - i applied for the same grad program! no news on my side either - good luck!
MPS in CD, No news for me here either
Anyone else undergrad applied to BFA fashion design domestic and didn’t get their decision letter?
I applied for BFA fashion design international though and I have not gotten anything. Apparently BFA fashion decisions are the last to come out as it is usually the most applied for course
It’s already March 15th guys… Did anyone get anything?
Or did anyone receive any mail for any information??
Nothing since my “me” tab disappeared, so anxious to find out…
did you apply for grad or undergrad? Where did you find the “me” tab?
I think that’s only for the Undergrad’s
Hey guys, I just got admitted to Parsons MA Fashion Studies!!! OMG I am so excited now…
Parsons hasn’t sent me an email and even mynewschool portal hasn’t changed to admitted students. I found the decision letter in my admission hub.
Also, four days ago the ME tab in mynewschool portal disappeared and it showed SERVICES. So I guess services might be a sign of admitting…
Anyway, I’m so happy to be accepted to my dream school. Hope you all have good news soon!