Parsons School of Design Admission 2020 Fall

Hey @Shivram … I wasn’t sure if the WES evaluation was mandatory so I just cross checked with one of my friend who graduated from Parsons as well… and she told me that it wasn’t necessary and the Uni I studied from provides the standard format of the transcripts… and it was also mentioned on the new school website that if they’ll require the evaluation from WES… they’ll request in person… so yea…

Also, I did not create any link to my portfolio…

And it doesn’t say any of those things on my new school portal as well…

@Abhijeetism idk man, I got an email from the admissions department that said otherwise, it’s done tho anyways :smiley:

Also, didnt you put together like a portfolio on slideroom or something?

I’m applying for Communication Design UG as well, and it’s only showing “services” on the mynewschool portal. From reading previous year discussions, I think it’s customary for it to be at services before receiving an update / showing the admitted students tab

Hey guys, I logged in to my new school portal and it shows “No content to display”, I tried to click the “return to homepage” or “back” but nothing happened. Does anyone have the same problem?

Hey guys! I applied to the MPS Fashion Management online program, did anyone else? I haven’t heard anything from Parsons…

Just heard a girl received her offer today…she applied to MFA Interior Design…omg I am so nervous!!!

Hey @Shivram … Yea I submitted my portfolio through Slideroom but there’s no link for it to view otherwise… It’s asking for the login credentials so I don’t think it’s gonna work…
Also, mind DMing me over Insta?
I need to discuss something regarding the other universities…
My Insta handle is the same as my username here… @Abhijeetism

@Klin233 … I guess that’s just a technical glitch… It happens when you keep your account idle for quite some time…
Also, the girl you just mentioned… is she an international applicant?

I got in for BFA Communication Design! I didn’t get an email or anything, I only saw that the decisions were up when I checked the portal randomly this morning. Has anyone else received a decision yet?

@Abhijeetism Yes, she is an international student. Another friend of mine also got admitted just now, also international and applies for BFA Fashion Design.
@daisy009 Congrats!!! Happy for you!

Still nothing from grad programs.

Hey guys, I just heard back, got in for BFA Communication Design w a scholarship!! I’m an intl student. They didn’t send me an email, even my newschool portal hadn’t changed to “admitted students” but it showed up on the admissionshub portal.

Same here @minhanh0604

Nothing for my son (also BFA Communication Design). Domestic student and also applied for financial aid. Hoping they aren’t done updating the system.

I just got admitted for BFA Design and Technology! No emails but I checked my portal (intl student)

Have any domestic applicants heard back from any BFA programs?

no news yet:(

I get 2 waitlists now. I don’t expect Parsons to see my potential. Still waiting for the 3rd waitlist/rejection.

I’m international and still nothing. Where on the admissions hub would it be?

My daughter just received her acceptance for BFA Photography with $22k/year merit scholarship. She got an email notifying her to check the portal.

Best of luck to everyone still waiting to hear!