Part-time college dual enrolled

Any idea how to answer the Attend college: Full time or part-time question?

If full-time: dual enrolled or early entrant?

What if your student is part-time dual enrolled?

Any idea how the question is used to determine NMF eligibility or selection for scholarship money?

I don’t think it matters much with respect to NMF, as ca. 90% of the SFs achieve F status.

If your C is still in HS and takes a few classes at a CC or Uni, you answer part-time dual enrolled (not early entrant)

I wish I could select part-time dual enrolled, but that is not an option. You can only select dual enrolled if you select college full-time. Doesn’t make sense.

Do they not have a space where you can list college courses taken? How many classes are you talking about? I would not say full-time unless you (or the kiddo) is taking over 12 credits at college and is no longer taking any more classes in high school.

Did you ever figure out how to answer? Is this for a college class taken at the high school?