Party scene and academic balance for my college list [PA resident, 3.6? GPA, 28 ACT, <$50k]

FAFSA is for federal loans. While some OOS do provide need aid, most do not. Two promise to meet full need - UVA and UNC.

To find an affordable school, you’re better to apply to colleges that will meet your budget or can get you to your budget via merit aid.

PA has lots of great schools too - WCU, Bloomsburg, Millersville, etc and the PSU and Pitt branches.

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And these both require the CSS Profile in addition to the FAFSA.

I suggest you look at the SUNY schools. I think they would come in at your price point. Even OOS costs aren’t as high as some places.

And you do have some on your list that will come in at your price, like Purdue.

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Based on your criteria, I’d recommend the University of Richmond as a potential reach.

SUNY will likely come in at your price point. UNC and UVA do meet need, but they are reach schools for this student. Also, meeting need is based on what the school says the need is.

Yes sorry - was just noting two meet need, not that they should apply. It was in response to their comment that they should get relief from other schools by applying for aid.

OP’s list is aggressive, even PSU which they seem to like….imho.

We still don’t know the unweighted gpa and rigor. Gpa is all they list as very important. And rigor as important - the only item.

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I think the list has quite a few reaches.

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Consider test optional for your reachier schools.

Dream -
Colorado -
Penn State -

Just Right -
Purdue +
U Mass
U MN -
Michigan State -
Alabama -

No Problem -

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Appreciate the detailed responses.

  1. I believe my UW is around 3.6 as was estimated, though my HS doesn’t report it.
  2. Rigor includes 7 APs, 3 honors, and a capstone course in IT.
  3. It’s also worth nothing that, should be be a factor, my GPA skyrocketed between freshman and junior year. I had 2 Cs and a 3.24 GPA in 9th grade, by 11th they had both become As and I had a 4.3 GPA. Additionally, every advanced class besides 1 honors was taken during junior/senior year.

I am kind of concerned about Penn State now. I’m a resident with decent enough stats - I’d place it as a target. I do, however, plan on applying for business which makes it more of a reach. I know they’re not very holistic, but given the sharp GPA curve, fairly decent rigor, and ECs (I was employed with the PA Senate and have done a ton of community service in Philly), might that be more of a target as well? Is there anything you’d advise in terms of choosing major or the application?

You can easily calculate it.

Take your classes (preferably core) and give an A = 4, B=3, C=2 and then divide the total points by the # of classes.

A weighted GPA is not something one can compare apples to apples because different high schools calculate it in different ways.

This is why you have to look at some of the other schools listed that will come within budget.

You need to go down in selectivity in the case that PSU doesn’t work out. Some suggestions were made above - and you have Bama - you’ll get in and Culverhouse is an excellent B School.

There were some tips above, if I recall, on maximizing odds for PSU.

Good luck

You can apply online to Iowa today and know by next week. As long as you’ve taken the right classes, you’ll get in and it will be affordable.

I think UWV fits the large university, play hard and affordable vibe you are going for. It’s also a likely for you. I’d throw that one in and remove University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin and University of Florida unless you are hoping for a hail Mary.


Is it worth prepping and re-taking the ACT, to try to bring it up? Penn State main campus is perfect for you - good students, good programs in everything you want, major greek and party scene, relatively cheap for you as in-state. I totally understand how you would not want Penn State if you were to get branched, but your GPA is borderline acceptable, and so is the ACT. You also might have a better shot at main campus applying early action.

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