Passion Overriding

<p>I have become so encapsulated with becoming a lawyer and a writer that I have found it hard to spend time with anyone who is not either of the two or aspiring to be. My personal relationships with friends who word things carelessly, speak without thinking or jump to speedy conclusions have been tattered by my incessant need to correct things, analyze things and bring about thoroughness. There are few who love me for it, but many have left. I find it worth it. Has anyone else experienced this? Lawyers, how has your personal life changed since becoming a lawyer? Others, how has your personal life changed since becoming passionate about what you do?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>Let me guess, this passion of yours also causes you to purposely deprive yourself of sleep, spend 80 hours a week doing menial tasks and heavily abuse alcohol during your spare time?</p>

<p>This is perhaps unnecessarily harsh, but your plans to become a lawyer is not an acceptable excuse for being an a**hole towards others.</p>

<p>Ha no. And regardless of the passion, I think one is granted to follow it in place of pleasing other people, the opposite being what I generally see. That is why those who are so successful are often alone.</p>

<p>I do not drink, do not sleep (because I am an engineering student) and spend most of my free time writing and networking.</p>