<p>Hey, this is just a forum for those accepted and contemplating applying. I am a Nashville native who will be attending this summer (2010) and I'm here to answer any questions you have about the city, weather, university, and so on. Also for anyone who is accepted this is a place to tell the world about it and help those still looking.</p>
<p>Hey! I got accepted into PAVE for 2010 too. Is there a lot to do in Nashville? Is the weather really warm during the summer? Can’t wait to meet everyone!</p>
<p>Hey everyone, I’m accepted to PAVE 2010. </p>
<p>I wish the facebook group was open already. I’m excited to meet others headed to PAVE this summer. </p>
<p>How safe is Nashville at night? I’m so curious about this summer.</p>
<p>To Becca, Yes there are an enormous amount of things to do in Nashville and surrounding areas of Tennessee. From what I have heard and read they take us on very fun weekend excursions to local rafting places, paintball courses, and stuff like that. Nashville is the country music capitol, but that really means music period not just country. To go with the vibrant music scene there are very good restaurants and local stores. </p>
<p>To answer both of your questions about safety, you need to understand the location of Vanderbilt. Vanderbilt essentially fits between two main roads (West End/Hwy 100 and Hillsboro/21st Ave) that converge to for the main street in Nashville (Broadway). The middle of the campus is about 4 miles from the center of downtown. Nashville has a very small actual downtown area (maybe 15 blocks), so the majority of “Nashville” is actually made up of a few areas: (North to South) Downtown, Vanderbilt/Belmont, Green Hills, Belle Meade. So as a result, I would consider Nashville one of the safest large cities. All of the “bad” neighborhoods are on the other side of the river away from anywhere you would be exploring.</p>
<p>The weather! Im used to it because I have lived here for 17 years, but if you aren’t used to the South then it may take a little getting used to. During a normal summer the temperature range from 80-95 but it is really the humidity that is the problem. It is not swampy at all, but you can definitely tell it is there most the time; On the exception of dry summers which we have occasionally. The good thing is that we will be staying and learning in the new freshman Commons which are a couple years old and have great air conditioning!</p>
<p>Thanks ensworth! Can’t wait to see you all this summer!</p>
<p>This afternoon I had the honor of receiving the very last spot for PAVE 2010! Can’t wait.</p>
<p>how much does it cost? and how hard is it to get accepted, like what kind of ACT score should someone have?</p>
<p>It is around 4,000 for the program and an additional 1,700 if you are from out of town, which I’m pretty sure 95+% are. I didn’t submit an ACT score and they don’t publish that stuff so I don’t know. They really just look at your current and future classes, teacher recommendations, and your essay.</p>
<p>is it worth applying to this still? i just found this and it looks interesting…</p>
<p>It is to late to do it this year. If you are still eligible for next year I would definitely do it.</p>
<p>Is anyone bringing a laptop to PAVE? I don’t know if I should or not.</p>
<p>I am bringing one. Apparently it is extremely helpful to have you own computer that way you do have to be in the computer lab all the time.</p>
<p>Pave is too expensive.Anyone heard about AIM program at kettering Univesity</p>