paying off loans

<p>Im an out of state student who got into purdue. me and my parents are in a continual argument of where to go, the UCs or Purdue. I want to go to purdue, but my rents want me to go to one of the UCs; Ive gotten admitted to the engineering dept at purdue and its hard for me to pass this opportunity up. my parents say that if i go there ill be sinking in a 150K loan which will hinder me from buying a car, getting a house loan, and will basically take a prolonged period of time to pay off, thus causing more of a set back if i go to purdue. (i disagree COMPLETELY). is this true? how long will a loan like this take to payoff im planning to go to graduate school, and most probably go to a business school to get an MBA, i say it can be done.....but to my parents they say i should just stay in cali. please give me some facts about purdue!</p>

<p>i also want to know about how "hot" this school is for companies to recruit etc</p>

<p>150K is a sizable amount to pay off indeed. And if you are planning to go to grad school a UC might be better for you as, from what i have heard, its less *****y against your grades and typically once u get a degree from grad school nobody cares about where u did ur UG work. ill ask my pops about that though with MBA/BSE combos as that is what he has. </p>

<p>as for that 150 figure, does that mean your parents will pay for a UC, but not purdue? since even if u went to a UC that would be ~85k as compared to more specifically 128k, which is actually "only" a difference of 43k. (brought down from 150 at least)</p>

<p>oh and on another note, which UCs are u comparing it to? (due to the subjectiveness of that "hot" comment)</p>

<p>well its not like they "wont" pay for it...they just say that its not worth spending that much money blah blah schools meaning UCSD, UCI, UCD.</p>

<p>I mean which UCs do you have the option of going to? (or at least might have the option of going to)</p>

<p>er either way, ill just say this. An increased "hotness" of a school does not necessarily increase your probability, unless there is a drastic difference. its more how smart you are, how well you do in your classes, and what you do outside of your classes than what school you go to. you could go to UCM or UCR, but if you handle yourself right during the summers and outside of school you could have job offers out the ass.</p>

<p>what is the employment rate for graduating engineers in purdue
pls advise</p>