PC or MAC for a Business Major?

<p>Our daughter is a senior in HS and is planning on attending UA next fall. We are about to purchase a laptop for her and our plan is for it to last 4 yrs that she is in college.</p>

<p>She is planning on either a Marketing or Finance degree. She wants a MAC and I feel better about sending her with a MAC because of their reliability. I heard on another CC board that PC was the way to go for business majors. Any advice would be much appreciated!!!</p>


<p>My son adores his Mac Pro…</p>

<p>Do you have an Apple store near you? If so, get the one year of lessons as well. I “forced” my son (ha ha) to go to the first lesson and after that, he WANTED to go…he learned so much. So many cool things.</p>

<p>I can’t say which is better for B majors, though. sorry.</p>

<p>DD has a Mac book Pro as well :)…she also has an ipad2 which she takes to class and says it is a terrific help!</p>

<p>For most business courses, either would be fine. I’ve taken certain courses where the programs were Windows-based and not designed for Macs, but even then there were workarounds that would allow people to use Macs.</p>

<p>I haven’t had any problems with the reliability of PCs [knocks on wood], though reliability is largely dependent on how gentle one is with their electronics. There are very few Macs in CBA (business school) facilities, so she’ll have to work with PCs when in labs and such.</p>

<p>Generally speaking, the cheapest time to buy a computer are during the Christmas and back to School shopping seasons. There is a student discount on Macs and some PCs, particularly between June and September.</p>