<p>Not really a college question, but here it goes anyways...</p>
<p>My goal after college is to join, and recently I've been thinking about skipping the whole thing and devoting myself to just that.</p>
<p>I read on their website that they encourage some kind of 4-year degree or labour skill before you apply, but is this really necessary?</p>
<p>I'm am IB Diploma candidate, good tests scores, etc., is there any chance I can apply, be accepted, and not sit behind a desk all day because they don't think I have a specific "skill"? Anybody with experience here who would like to share it is welcome, (hell, encouraged, it is the point of this post... =])
and it would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>And on a side note---are there any colleges well known for sending their grads to the Peace Corp?</p>
<p>Carleton sent the largest number among not only LACs but among all schools after correcting for student body size.</p>
<p>UChicago and Dartmouth were very well represented as mid-sized schools.</p>
<p>Among large universities, most of the name brands contributed volunteers though in relatively smaller numbers (UNC-CH, Berkeley, Michigan, Colorado, Wisconsin, Oregon, etc.).</p>
<p>The overall numbers actually seem pretty consistent with the personalities of the individual schools and the students drawn to them.</p>
<p>"The overall numbers actually seem pretty consistent with the personalities of the individual schools and the students drawn to them."</p>
<p>Other factors are involved, like who can afford to take a year or two off after college. Maybe someone who could also afford a 50K/yr education at Dartmouth...</p>
<p>Knox College in Galesburg, IL, is offering a new major/concentration related to Peace Corps prep. Looks like a wonderful school and an interesting program.</p>
<p>like who can afford to take a year or two off after college. Maybe someone who could also afford a 50K/yr education at Dartmouth...</p>
<p>frustrated...you have it part right perhaps. Those who go into Peace Corp are by no means those who can afford 50K/yr educations, but..., many of the schools on this list are very generous with financial aid, so students from these schools are joining Peace Corp form all economic stratum. Note that this is possible because Peace Corp permits you to defer repayment of college loans. </p>
<p>You will actually find that there is a correlation between numbers and schools which generally promote this form of sense of social responsiblity.</p>
<p>Don't base your college choirce on Peace Corps #s. Just make sure when you interview you don't have a signif other-- the main reason PCVs go home early.</p>