Penn President Poses With Student "Suicide Bomber"

<p>Thought this bit of news was interesting. Aren’t 35% or so Penn students jewish or something? Discuss.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>Part of me is offended. Part of me thinks it's funny. Part of me wonders if the people saying stuff like:</p>

This was a disgusting display of the arrogance of these university elites who are destroying this country. While most middle-class Americans will never see the inside of these universities, we have grown fed up with this portion of the US non-establishment and will begin to fight back in our own ways........I am ashamed to think that this was a female behaving so badly.



I think our FBI should fully check him out and see how far his potential idolization of terrorism goes.


<p>have ever seen The Producers?</p>

<p>A "freedom martyr"??</p>

<p>dude, its halloween.
even if the costume was a little bit insensitive, he's probably just taking the mockery of terrorists a little too far. he should've realized the responsibilities that come with dressing up that way as a muslim himself (i.e. getting shot by random jews) but it doesnt reflect ANYTHING about the university or gutman.
its been millenia and we still don't realize that many guys are FOOLS for most of their lives? lol</p>

<p>well, one thing is for sure.
The point of Halloween is to scare people
and the guy dressed up as a terrorist and has supposedly scared a ton of people. He was successful!
I wonder if any of this stuff will affect the admission process regarding Muslims. (I'm Muslim myself)</p>


<p>and if it did, there wouldn't be a point in calling it America anymore.</p>

mockery of terrorists


<p>How do you know it was satirical?</p>

<p>getcrunk123, what do you mean by "scare?" I think you're using the wrong word to describe what the results are.</p>

<p>If admissions is affected in any way, I think it this would be how" there might be a handful fewer Jews applying, and a handful more muslims applying. But this probably won't happen.</p>

<p>Why would that fact be such a surprise?</p>

<p>It's common at the elite schools and within the larger society</p>

<p>Take the case of Alan Dershowitz at Harvard Law (a longtime unwavering supporter of Israel) who for years - (in great frustration) has been perplexed by exactly that same issue - why so many individuals in the United States who happen to be jewish - seem to endlessly bash Israel yet seem to find unlimited excuses for the PLO and its sympathizers</p>

<p>This phenomenon is well known, yet merely mentioning it will certainly have the PC Police running from every corner</p>

<p>one, they're at penn - i would assume they were intelligent and possess world knowledge. two, he's a college student. if he was trying to make a point in any way, he would've chosen a more potent method than taking pics with gutman and pretending to hold ppl hostage with plastic ammo. </p>

<p>i suggest no one take offense over this issue. its insensitive and irresponsible on the student's part and that's about it. </p>

<p>and i REALLY don't think ur going to find this a factor for admissions - its pretty low profile over the rest of the nation, unlike the duke lacrosse incident which had much more of an effect on ppls' perceptions of the school and location.</p>

<p>"Since the photos have sprung up on the Internet, Saadi has made a public apology available on his Web site, in which he says that the costume was not intended to be offensive, and that he does not support terrorism or violence."</p>

<p>there we go, a simple case of poor judgement. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Part of me is offended. Part of me thinks it's funny."</p>

<p>A regular riot</p>

<p>I bet dressing as Hitler would be very popular too, always alot of laughs with college officials</p>

<p>...and of course dressing as Heinrich Himmler, head of the Nazi SS, always is a hit at such Halloween parties - very creative and certainly worthy of a picture</p>

<p>Blowing up pizza shops, discos, buses, bus waiting areas, commuters, college students, along with random babies in strollers for the last decade or so by suicide bombers - its really all so funny</p>

<p>"Free speech" as they say</p>

<p>and when Dr Amy Gutman gets her picture taken with HITLER, one might just say "gee no big deal, just poor judgement"</p>

<p>Part of me is offended. Part of me thinks it's funny."</p>

<p>A regular riot</p>

<p>I bet dressing as Hitler would be very popular too, always alot of laughs with college officials</p>

<p>...and of course dressing as Heinrich Himmler, head of the Nazi SS, always is a hit at such Halloween parties - very creative and certainly worthy of a picture</p>

<p>Blowing up pizza shops, discos, buses, bus waiting areas, commuters, college students, along with random babies in strollers for the last decade or so by suicide bombers - its really all so funny</p>

<p>"Free speech" as they say</p>

<p>and when Dr Amy Gutman gets her picture taken with HITLER, one might just say "gee no big deal, just poor judgement"</p>

<p>sorry -problem with the server</p>

<p>It was a simple case of poor judgement. That is not changed by people like CITATION X using it to further a political agenda of their own choice.</p>

Part of me is offended. Part of me thinks it's funny."</p>

<p>A regular riot</p>

<p>I bet dressing as Hitler would be very popular too, always alot of laughs with college officials</p>

<p>...and of course dressing as Heinrich Himmler, head of the Nazi SS, always is a hit at such Halloween parties - very creative and certainly worthy of a picture</p>

<p>Blowing up pizza shops, discos, buses, bus waiting areas, commuters, college students, along with random babies in strollers for the last decade or so by suicide bombers - its really all so funny</p>

<p>"Free speech" as they say</p>

<p>and when Dr Amy Gutman gets her picture taken with HITLER, one might just say "gee no big deal, just poor judgement"


<p>Am I the only one doesn't fully understand what this post is saying?</p>

<p>geez.. political correctness even in a simple halloween party. I'm sick of the "political correctness" galore that is happening in this country.</p>

<p>I do believe he had the right to wear it, but his choice in the costume shows poor taste and a lack of judgement. The president is not at fault, I mean it was a freakin halloween party. If anything, the student is at fault for such an atrocious choice.</p>

<p>"Am I the only one doesn't fully understand what this post is saying?"</p>

<p>yup, since I wrote it so 4th graders could figure it out</p>

<p>Note the first sentence is a quote referring to the 2nd comment in this thread - and the quote mark got left out at the beginning of the sentence - partly due to server posting issues</p>

<p>i was at that party... i remember that guy...
anyway, i think the president's announcement was well-said and succinct. she did a good job of facing the problem while respecting the guy's right to wear the costume.</p>