Pennportal is LOCKED..must i call?

<p>i'm a deferred ED applicant, and i've been trying to log in to my account
but the page says that my account is locked.
doesn't penn make you check your admissions decision by pennportal?
if its locked..what should i do after the decisions are released?
i live in china right now so its kind of hard to there no other way?
i know chances are slim for a deferred international candidate to get accepted anyways
you know. heh</p>

<p>Did you log in too many times? Usually there’s some sort of waiting period if you’ve entered the wrong details too many times.</p>

<p>I believe someone said you can unlock your account by resetting your password. I haven’t tried this, however.</p>

<p>happened to me, i just emailed them but it took a while to unlock me. I think it well get unlocked before rd decisions if u email them now.</p>

<p>i had that happen and i called them and it was unlocked almost immediately</p>

<p>I had this happen and made a new password and it unlocked on its own</p>