percentage of southereners

<p>uw-madison seems like it has the perfect atmosphere and a pretty good business program, but is it random for a georgia kid like me to go there....? :/</p>

<p>You are correct (good place) and there are about 100 from Georgia.</p>

<p>[Enrollments</a> By State](<a href=“]Enrollments”></p>

<p>No one will really care where you’re from. If you have an accent I think most people would think it was cool.</p>

<p>In the sense that there are very few Southerners at UW (most OOS students come Illinois/Minnesota, California, or the New England/New York area), yes, it’s random.</p>

<p>With respect to fitting in you should be fine though (as long as you aren’t, say, a conservative bible thumping Southerner who wishes the South had won – that might not work out so well xD).</p>

<p>Yeah you should be fine. People will most likely think it’s cool that you’re from far away, maybe want to learn about what it’s like down south. And if you’re the type to wear a winter coat when it’s above 40 degrees or so, they might tease you a bit ;)</p>

<p>haha im not really worried about fitting in, i can handle that.
but those of you that go there, do you think its a worthwhile choice? academics wise? or should i just stay here and go to uga?</p>

<p>You have two good choices for schools. Finances determine where many go to college. Going far away to school out of your region would be an education in itself. Do be sure to make a trip to visit Madison, perhaps in winter, to see the place before deciding to come. Check out the departments of majors at both schools that interest you to see how they are the same and different in courses available. You may decide one or the other has more of what you want.</p>