Perception of Miami

<p>Do you think UM still has the image of 'Thug U'? Do you know people who associate the university of miami with crime/thugs/drugs etc?</p>

<p>How would you describe UM?</p>

<p>there are many discussions of this here in the forum. Just read thru the messages, and go back to early pages as well.</p>

<p>No… the only people who would think that are just ignorant of the situation. That image comes from the long past, when our football players were rather unruly. UM doesn’t have that image at all anymore. I think that it has been transferred to the University of Florida, honestly, with how much trouble their football players have been getting into of late.</p>

<p>Miami isn’t completely innocent either. The football players have somewhat of a bad reputation for either being really stupid in classes or making bad decisions. This week some fool was arrested for raping a girl at 4am at one of the dorms. A few months ago another incident happened. I really don’t follow it because I don’t have time to be upset about the daily news but I hear about it eventually through my family.</p>