Perceptions of Pitzer

For students and grads of the other 4Cs, what are/were your perceptions of Pitzer students? For Pitzer students/grads, how do you believe you were perceived by the students of the other 4Cs? Do potential employers/grad school admission staff have particular perceptions of Pitzer grads?

As a Pomona student, I have a great deal of respect for Pitzer students. I find their willingness to question social norms and refusal to “play by the rules” rejuvenating. They seem to be an especially close-knit community (probably because of their smaller size), even by the stellar 5C standards. You do need to be pretty progressive/nonconformist to fit in there, though, and the lack of political diversity could be seen by some as a drawback.

Regarding academic reputation (which relates to your question about employers/grad schools), Pitzer isn’t quite as highly regarded as the other 5C’s or as its admission rate would imply, but it’s quickly on the rise and may get there in a few years. Don’t let that hold you back if it’s the right fit for you; the campus culture is what’s most important.