Persistance pays off

<p>Junior came out of BB unhappy with his schedule. He was in class for about 10 hours on Tuesdays (most of it chemistry), he had classes at 8 a.m. four days a week, and he didn’t get the English class he wanted (American Lit).</p>

<p>After going back to the well repeatedly, he now has zero classes at 8:00, and got the English class he wanted. He now appears satisfied.</p>

<p>And me? I’m just spending money.</p>

<p>lol…spending money on what? It doesn’t cost anything to change classes and your son has nearly a full ride NMF scholarship.</p>

<p>Glad to hear that he’s tweaked his schedule to what he wants.</p>

<p>Thumbs down to 8 am classes for anyone who isn’t a natural early riser…which most teens aren’t. lol</p>

<p>Had to buy a laptop, a printer, clothes, and a CAR for my daughter, since son will be taking his car to Tuscaloosa. </p>

<p>The chinchilla is still on back order.</p>

<p>PERSISTENCE. I was an English major and I can’t spell.</p>

<p>we found the same thing slippy. A class that was closed with no chance of a new section ended up having ONE spot open up (someone dropped the class). And he grabbed it. More seats were opened in another class that allowed him to move his 8am class to a 9:30 class, and another class that he had an unavoidable conflict with opened another section that allowed him to take a class he thought would have to wait until next fall. So his schedule is VERY different than what he left BB with!! And much better!</p>

<p>My D was pretty happy with her schedule when she left Bama Bound, but she’s still made quite a few changes since then. 3 of her 4 “substantive” classes are the same, but she switched the time on one and has added, dropped and switched around a few one credit classes. So even kids with good schedules have been tweaking over the summer. Good for your son for working to get a schedule he’s happy with.</p>

<p>slippy2000: Wait until your son calls you one day and says he has classes just two days a week. That’s my son. He has only one class left in each major, and he will do those this fall. So, he is taking more classes online, but he loves online learning (did 7 APs in HS online). </p>

<p>His goal for the spring of his senior year? One day of classes.</p>