Personal Insight Question

I copied my essays that I wrote from a google doc onto the uc application. They didn’t let me indent in the beginning of the paragraph. Is this only me or is it like that for everyone else?

Also, I had several paragraph but they formatted it to look like one paragraph. I was able to create a paragraph by hitting “shift+enter” but I wasn’t sure if they wanted just one paragraph for the 350 words or not. Should I leave it the multiple paragraphs way I had it or how the UC formatted it (one long paragraph) when I copied and paste.

Nobody can indent.

I’d recommend not trying to force the system anything it doesn’t appear to do naturally. As it works its way through the system (i.e. from the form you submitted to what will actually be delivered to the reader), errors can possibly occur. Keep it simple.

Put a blank line between paragraphs.