Personality Differences Among Schools

<p>SBmom--thanks for clearing that up!</p>

<p>Kerron--well, I'd say that raising taxes would "tie our hands"--liberals want to do "what they feel is right" with our money, while conservatives would like to let us "do what we want when we want in the confines of the law" with our money.
That wasn't intended to mock you--I'm just saying that the line between liberal and conservative isn't as simple as your statement indicated.</p>

<p>On reading kernons post again, it looks like for the most part, the opposite of what she says is true. Liberals are more about having gov tell private citizens what to do with their pocketbook, business, organization, savings accounts, apartment rents, and so on.</p>

<p>Or you could say: Liberals are caretakers: caretaking the environment, the poor, the disposessed, & the minority opinion (ACLU); while Conservatives are 1/2 rugged individualists (too bad if your job is outsourced, too bad if you have no health insurance-- try getting born in a richer family in your next life) and 1/2 sanctimonious moralizers (no gay marriage, anti abortion, let's have prayer in schools & 10 commandments in the courthouses.) </p>

<p>I would say conservatives are "Darwinian," but that'd be too ironic given that so many of them want to teach creationism.</p>

<p>I don't think Kerron really knows what he/she is speaking of. Conservatives don't plan on "conserving" everything such as the environment, but moreso are concerned with conserving moral values and a decent degree of normality (though I dare not call it a status quo). Conservation of the environment has been a liberal viewpoint for quite some time now.</p>

<p>ok no more politics</p>

<p>back to stanford attitudes!</p>

<p>yeah, I didn't think this would turn into a political debate</p>

<p>I'm somewhat confused. In Europe a term "liberal" means that you are for free-market - so that you don't like government interventions, regulations etc. And this also means that you are for freedom - for abortion, for freedom of sexual orientation...actually, for an individualism and free chose of everyone. The term "liberal" is not consistent with the term "socialism". That is contradictory at us. So I'm very confused listening you about socialism and liberalism as a two things that go together. And then...conservatism is for us not liberalism because conservatism is connected with strong government and church. However, liberalism for us means individualism and freedom. I'm confused...</p>

<p>What you are describing is called "libertarian" here. "Liberals" here are socialists, more or less.</p>

<p>...and Stanford is the libertarian King in USA?</p>

<p>Certain people on CC do not recognise a clever play on words when they see it. Let me teach you a little on the art of irony. When i say Conservatives don't plan on "conserving" everything such as the environment. It was a pun on the term conserve. Someone needs to buck up on their AP english...</p>

<p>"bush won the election...HOW wrong is that!!! anyways liberal views vs. conservarive views liberal always wins..liberal means u do what u want when u want in confines of the law however conservees wanna tie ur hands as to wat u can do by what they feel is right!!!! do u guys think thats right.?"</p>

<p>"Someone needs to buck up on their AP english..."</p>