Personality Type!


<h1>distinctively expressed introvert</h1>

<h1>slightly expressed intuitive personality</h1>

<h1>very expressed thinking personality</h1>

<h1>very expressed judging personality</h1>

<p>Still no one with ESFJ…</p>

<p>^^ That’s because CC is full of thinkers</p>


<p>Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %<br>
56 1 88 67 </p>

<p>Qualitative analysis of your type formula</p>

<p>You are:
moderately expressed introvert</p>

<p>slightly expressed sensing personality</p>

<p>very expressed thinking personality</p>

<p>distinctively expressed judging personality</p>


Wow, way to take these personality tests waaayy too seriously. Most people don’t live their lives by what is written in the results of such a quiz. Rather, it is solely for amusement…so don’t be hatin’ on them lol. But yes, I do agree that they are terribly general as to applicable to many people, partially the reason why the descriptions appeal to many. I mean I’m sure that if you read them you could see, how you could match to another description…</p>

<p>And yay for epic bump of my thread…haha.</p>


<p>Despite my OWN skepticism for personality tests, I have never, ever read a better description of myself. I seriously felt like someone had written my personality’s biography.</p>

<p>By the way, I first took this years and years (okay, I’m like 17, so it wasn’t THAT many years ago, heh) ago and it has never once changed.</p>

<p>Always ENTJ, even when I think I’ve radically changed my answers.</p>

<p>I’m always INTJ. Yay.</p>


<p>I did this same test about two years ago and got something totally different.</p>

<p>Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
11 38 38 11</p>



<p>er wow, didn’t release I’m THAT introverted (100?)
moderately accurate, I suppose</p>

<p>I’m supposedly a “rare” (1% of pop) architect, whatever that is.</p>

<p>I usually get INTP or INTJ.</p>

Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
78 62 62 56</p>

<h1>very expressed introvert</h1>

<h1>distinctively expressed intuitive personality</h1>

<h1>distinctively expressed feeling personality</h1>

<h1>moderately expressed judging personality</h1>

<p>I always get INFJ. But they said I’m more introverted than they normally do this time around.</p>

<p>ENTJs unite!</p>

<p>We are going to be the fieldmarshals of the world.</p>

<p>It’s very tiring to hang out with other ENTJs, but I keep some of them around as friends.</p>

<p>Your Type is
Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %<br>
1 12 38 44</p>

<p>Your Type is

<h1>slightly expressed introvert</h1>

<h1>slightly expressed sensing personality</h1>

<h1>moderately expressed feeling personality</h1>

<h1>slightly expressed perceiving personality</h1>

<p>That took FOREVER! It’s so long, I have no patience.</p>

<p>Your type: ENTJ
Extraverted: 11
Thinking: 62
Judging:67 </p>

<p>You are:
slightly expressed extravert
moderately expressed intuitive personality
distinctively expressed thinking personality
distinctively expressed judging personality</p>

<p>Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %<br>
78 75 88 33 </p>

<p>Qualitative analysis of your type formula</p>

<p>You are:

  • very expressed introvert
  • distinctively expressed intuitive personality
  • very expressed thinking personality
  • moderately expressed perceiving personality</p>


<p>Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
1 38 62 78 </p>

<p>I guess this is mostly accurate. I like talking with other people and doing things in groups, but I hate crowds. I like analyzing problems from a number of different angles. Things have to be kept neat and perfectly organized. I almost never feel strong emotions of any kind.</p>