Pharmacy Schools? please help?

<p>How many years of school after high school does it take to become a pharmacist?
I know that pharmacy is a graduate major so is it after the first 4 undergraduate years? and if so how many more years after that? I got waitlisted by University of Washington but got into UC Davis and Washington State University. Both UW and WSU have school of pharmacy but not UC Davis. But I heard UC Davis has really good science that can prepare you to become one but you would have to transfer after. Please help! May 1 deadline coming up soon. :(</p>

<p>Pharmacy school is a four year program. You can begin pharmacy school after two-years of undergraduate classes, though it is still very difficult to get into pharmacy school without a bachelor’s degree. If you are interested in pharmacy, check out websites to see the courses that you need to take your freshman year. You will also need to take the PCAT. Both schools will have the classes that you need. Get top grades and remain focused.</p>