Phase I or II?

<p>which class should i phase I and phase II: sociology 3AC and Biology 1B</p>

<p>How are your appt times like?</p>

<p>i just had my phase I today. but idk when my app for phase II is yet.</p>

<p>If you need Bio 1B for your major, then definitely Phase I that. If it’s just for kicks or for your breadth req, then I’d first advise you to choose another Bio Sciences course with which to fulfill our breadth, since Bio 1B is usually crammed with any and all Bio majors and pre-med students.</p>

<p>^agreed. 3AC is a medium priority class, so if you have an early phase 2 I’d advise you to phase 2 that instead. You’re an incoming freshman?</p>

<p>Both are for my pre reqs. I’m an incoming sophomore. But the thing is that bio 1b have more seats than soci 3ac</p>