PhD Psychology

<p>How long does it take to get a PhD in Psychology? Do you have to get your masters 1st?</p>

<p>4-6 years and no. If you flunkout of a PhD program they often give you a terminal master’s.</p>

<p>If you’re planning to work for your PhD right after you get your BA or BS in Psychology, make sure that your grades are top notch; also, make sure that you have plenty of hours devoted to research as you’re going to require something that really gives you some sort of an edge over other applicants.</p>

<p>Psychology programs (The good ones, at any rate) are highly competitive. That being said, people usually end up getting an MA anyway to give their applications to PhD programs a little boost as its (sometimes) rather difficult to make it to programs on a BA alone.</p>

<p>4-6 years alone, or including getting a BA?</p>

<p>4-6 years once you start the PhD. The BA takes 4 years on its own.</p>