Phillips (Andover) Academy letters


LOL. It doesn’t work that way. :slight_smile:

You should simply have let the thread wither away, as 99% of them do,

That’s horrible! Do people still do these things - has this happened last M10 (2017)?

You’d be amazed what people will do. One year, it was a PARENT behaving abominably. No one will ever forget that guy.

Unfortunately on M10 you’re going to see all kinds of inexplicable or disappointing behavior not least of which comes from ADCOMS who decline kids who are super qualified allegedly in favor of legacy or other kids… Just a reminder either you or your child could be super qualified and there will be no rhyme or reason apparent (at least to you) as to why your child was rejected and why some other equally good student was selected. Don’t take anything personally, it is what it is. Life and BS admissions is not necessarily a “fair” process.

@preppedparent Well said! =D>

This is going to be my first M10 (and hopefully the last :slight_smile: ). It’s going to be interesting seeing what goes on, here.

@brassarrow Not sure if it’s already been mentioned during this cycle, but I’m guessing that within the next few days one of the more experienced posters will create an official results thread where people can post where they/their child was admitted, rejected or waitlisted. Here are the links for threads from 2017 and 2016 if you want to see what they look like. What I find nice about these is that it’s just results, no commentary.

ETA: For more “lively” action, the freakout thread is definitely the way to go.

ETA2: Just saw that YOU mentioned the decisions thread yesterday on the freakout thread! :smiley:

@AppleNotFar Thanks, anyway! :smiley:

With my luck, the school that I wrote the best essays for and had a great interview with happens to be the most selective one on my list.

Thanks @skieurope and @keystosuccess :))

Admitted PA international students or US students living abroad still get an acceptance package by courier. My DS got the package two years ago, which included an acceptance diploma.

Good Luck @brassarrow I really hope you get accepted!!

@blueberrykid Thanks! You too!