<p>I plan on majoring on Philosophy at CC, what kinds of jobs do Philosophy majors get after graduation?</p>
<p>philosophy majors can get hired by investment banks</p>
<p>If that is true, and I highly doubt it, that would be awesome if IBankers hire Philosophy majors.</p>
<p>lol they hire all types of majors....my friend who works for lehman brothers tells me that he works alongside history, math, english, and German majors....the VP double majored in history and math.....one of the MD's undergrad major was German......your major doesnt matter as much as your aptitude etc</p>
<p>A common path is philosophy major-->incredible LSAT score-->law school.
In general, philosophy teaches you how to think, which can be useful in business, medicine, journalism, politics, academia, and a number of other fields.</p>
<p>Yeah, a philosophy major is probably second only to a math or physics major in terms of being a certification that you know how to think abstractly and analytically. That is extremely appealing to many employers who need very smart people, as long as you're not really erudite, you know, a head-in-the-clouds kind of attitude. Just remember that most liberal-arts majors are not job certifications anyway - taking Sociology doesn't make you any more qualified. At least philosophy means you can think.</p>